
Showing posts with the label Saint Bernadette's in Silver Spring

Some Important Events Coming Up Locally!

The "Deo volente" Special Events Calendar is showing some interesting things coming up! Rather than to "bury" these with a blog post, I have been posting them to the calendar. The events include two Corpus Christi Masses on Sunday, June 6th, and a tremendous Saturday of Chant at Saint Bernadette's in Silver Spring on June 12th (this was posted in the New Liturgical Movement). Please check the calendar if you are interested in keeping current. Also, events can be posted "privately" and I will make them public to all after checking the sources.

Solemn High Mass - Feast of the Purification - Saint Bernadette Church, February 2, 2010 - Silver Spring, MD

I just received this from a colleague by email: Solemn High Mass - Feast of the Purification - Saint Bernadette Church, Silver Spring, MD Solemn High Mass in the Extraordinary Form for T he Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Candlemas) - Beginning with the Blessing of the Candles and Procession - With polyphonic propers composed by William Byrd, and the Ordinary from his Mass for Four Voices, sung by Chantry. Tuesday, February 2, 2010, 7:30 PM Saint Bernadette Church 70 University Boulevard East Silver Spring MD 20901 Linked to the Public TLM Events Calendar

Reminder: Saint Bernadette, Silver Spring, MD - Usus Antiquior, Ascension Thursday, May 21st, 2009

Folks, I have a fair number of people who frantically search for the TLM Mass when it is offered at Saint Bernadette's Church in Silver Spring, MD. I gather that it must be a very popular venue. This Mass on the Ascension was posted on this date . I IMPLORE you to remind those at Saint Bernadette's to also check here . You will find the Mass on the calendar for May 21st. The first thing I do when I received notice is to post Masses for St. Bernadette's on the Public Calendar. I hope this assuages some fears!

Saint Bernadette, Silver Spring, MD - Usus Antiquior, Ascension Thursday, May 21st

I just received an email announcing a TLM ( Usus Antiquior ) to be celebrated on Ascension Thursday at Saint Bernadette Catholic Church in Silver Spring, MD : Msgr. Smith will say the TLM on Ascension Thursday, 21 May, 7:30 PM; Victoria's " Missa Ascendens Christus " sung by Chantry Please mark your calendars!

Saint Bernadette Catholic Church, Silver Spring, MD

Saint Bernadette Catholic Church in Silver Spring, MD is a very common search item on this blog! As a result, I have added the Church to the "Churches with TLMs" in the Right Menu although their TLM is occasional. Also, here is the Lenten Schedule although the Church is not apparently offering a TLM during Holy Week . We aim to please... D.v.

Feast of the Annunciation: High Mass at Saint Bernadette's in Silver Spring, MD

I am getting searches for the High Mass scheduled at Saint Bernadette's in Silver Spring on the Annunciation, March 25th. This comment was posted in the combox of the WDTPRS blog . If you know "Ken," please let him know that I'd be delighted to post these for him if notified by email in advance! Saint Bernadette’s in Silver Spring, Md. will have a High Mass on 25 March at 7:30 p.m. for the feast of the Annunication of the BVM . A.M.D.G.+ D.v.

Breviarum Romanum | Extraordinary Form Mass on 12 December in Silver Spring, MD

Over the past year, I have had many "search strings" for Masses at Saint Bernadette's Church in Silver Spring, MD . Unfortunately, I had no "contacts" in that area (ADW). Thanks to my fellow blogger, MCITL, I now have someone I can contact regarding this. Thanks for the tip! Note that Breviarum Romanum is reporting a Mass for tomorrow, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, at St. Bernadette's Church at 7:30 PM . Please check there for more information! H/T MCITL

Visitors ask...Saint Bernadette Church in the ADW (or any Parish in the Archdiocese of Washington)

Saint Bernadette's Parish in Silver Spring is a perennial "search" to land on this blog. I must get at least 2 hits a week searching for it. First, it is in the Archdiocese of Washington so the trick is to look up all the Parishes in that Archdiocese. So, simply click here . Note that the Parishes are divided into Washington or Maryland (as the ADW takes in areas of both). Checking the Maryland Parishes , it is found here under Saint Bernadette .

Beautiful Vestments and an Orthodox Retreat for Fr. Trigilio

Shawn Tribe of The New Liturgical Movement has a photoessay of some of the beautiful Mass vestments used at the Usus Antiquior from the Church of St. Bernadette in Silver Spring, Maryland on the occasion of the Lourdes anniversary this year. The vestments were designed in consultation with the Pastor and done by Gardiner Hall . Fr. Trigilio says " Buon Compleanno/Tanti Auguri . " Fr. was on retreat with some priest friends and others from Opus Dei in Pembroke, MA after Easter. He indicates once again the importance that priests go off and to be refreshed in prayer, the Liturgy and fellowship. A nice post...

UPDATE: Solemn TLM at St. Bernadette, Silver Spring, MD, Set for 11 February 2008

I would like to give a "hat tip" to Will Cubbedge who posts the "Fish in a Barrel" blog who contacted me by email. Apparently, Monsignor K. Bartholomew Smith, Pastor of Saint Bernadette's in Silver Spring, Maryland made the following announcement relating to the celebration of Our Lady's apparition at Lourdes : [...] Anyway, as I announced last week, I am hoping that you all will benefit from the experience as I did. Some of you remember this form of the Mass, others have heard about it (you know, “Latin!”). So on Monday, February 11th, at 7:30 in the evening, here at St. Bernadette Church, we will celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes on the 150th Anniversary of that first apparition by celebrating the Mass in a way that St. Bernadette would have known and loved (emphasis mine) . We will have here in our church a Solemn High mass according to the older form, with magnificent music composed by Thomas Luis de Victoria four hundred years ago. It...