
Showing posts with the label Saint Francis of Assisi

Evening - Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost - October 4th, 2009

A Priest Life >> Camp Lejeune welcomes Father Aidan Logan and the Extraordinary Form of holy Mass (Semper Fidelis!) New Liturgical Movement >> The Sacred Liturgy: Worship of God and "Work of the Holy Trinity " The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Rosary Sunday Transalpine Redemptorists at home >> Miraculous cure from liver cancer! WDTPRS >> Brick by brick with the US Marine Corps WDTPRS >> Sons and daughters of St. Francis Whispers in the Loggia >> Go in peace, Mick (prayers for Bp. Saltarelli of Wilmington!)

Morning - Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost - October 4th, 2009

Note to readers : Google, owner of Blogspot, has apparently just made a decision to allow a limit of 2,000 "labels" for any blog (although some of us are hoping this is just a "bug"). As one who has been blogging for over 2 years, who has tried to be very specific about the contents of each post, and with over 2,600 posts, I would have to delete hundreds of labels to comply. I have been unable to add any "new labels." I spent part of Saturday deleting labels, but it is not a simple process. This will explain why the labels have suddenly gotten far more "succinct." If this rule is a firm rule, I may dispense with labels entirely. I have few options otherwise except to move to a new provider. A Trail of Flowers >> The Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi Insight Scoop >> Saint Francis and the Imitation of Christ Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> 27th Sunday: "What God has joined, man must not divide. " Secondhand ...

Morning Roundup - Saturday, October 4th, 2008 - Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi

Residuum Revertetur >> Hindu Fanatics Burn Down House of Sisters of Mother Teresa ("...Blessed are you when they persecute you in my name...") St. Peter Canisius Apostolate >> Meditative and Spiritual Reading The Black Biretta >> Catholic Clergy Call Upon YouTube to Remove Sacriligeous Videos Traditional Latin Mass Propers in English >> Saint Francis of Assisi, Confessor WDTPRS >> Eucharistic Prayers for Children TO! BE! DROPPED! (I thought he'd be happy at this news!)