
Showing posts with the label Saint Louis

YouTube | All Souls Day Solemn High Requiem Mass - Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest - November 7th, 2007

In response to those who wish to see an authentic Traditional Solemn High Requiem Mass, I am posting this from YouTube. November 07, 2007 — All Souls Day Solemn High Requiem Mass, at Saint Francis de Sales Oratory, in Saint Louis, Missouri. Traditional Latin Mass by the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. Entrance procession, Introit through Kyrie. +++++++++++++ November 07, 2007 — All Souls Day Solemn High Requiem Mass, at Saint Francis de Sales Oratory, in Saint Louis, Missouri. Traditional Latin Mass by the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. Epistle through Gradual +++++++++++++ November 07, 2007 — All Souls Day Solemn High Requiem Mass, at Saint Francis de Sales Oratory, in Saint Louis, Missouri. Traditional Latin Mass by the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. Gospel through incensing the gifts. +++++++++++++ November 0...

Visitors ask...Traditional Latin or Tridentine Mass Online (YouTube)

I am still getting searches for a TLM online (especially from international venues). As you know, the FSSP is offering a free DVD of the TLM to all priests and seminarians in North America and is discounted for all others . The link is on the FSSP website . This is a nice collection from the Vivat Jesus blog . YouTube has links to shorts snips from a Mass celebrated by the Institute of Christ the King, Sovereign Priest in the St. Louis Cathedral . Note that the links are divided into: Part I, Procession - Introit, Kyrie, Gloria - Collect - Commemoration, Epistle, Tract, Gospel.