
Showing posts with the label Seton Hall University

Afternoon Roundup - St. Pius V, Pope and Confessor - Missa 'Si Diligis' - May 5th, 2010

Catholic Hour >> Gay Advocacy at Seton Hall ? Insight Scoop >> A Simple Thought (vintage Chesterton...) New Liturgical Movement >> Salve Regina - in the Baroque Style RORATE CÆLI >> "The question of how it is to continue is a serious one. " Secondhand Smoke >> Medical Marijuana: Current System Isn’t Medical SECRET HARBOUR >> Devotion to Our Lady Te Deum laudamus >> Cardinal Pell - New Prefect for the Congregation for Bishops ? The Cathoholic >> Legion of Christ: New Era for Order and Rome The Catholic Thing >> Dr. Death Takes Hollywood (George J. Marlin) Vultus Christi >> Again and again WDTPRS >> OLDIE PODCAzT 84: St. Pius V and Quo primum Word on Fire >> Books: Adventures in Atheism ( A.F. Christian is getting quite a "rep"--read it!)

Morning - Ember Saturday in Lent - Missa 'Intret Oratio' - February 27th, 2010

ADW Blog >> Life is Worth Living: The Resilience of the Human Person Ars orandi >> Collect of the Day: Ember Saturday in Lent A Trail of Flowers >> Kindnesses Damian Thompson >> A delightful ecumenical gesture from the Anglican Church in Wales Domine da mihi hanc aquam >> Lenten Reflection 5: difficult questions Insight Scoop >> "Christians are now considered... " Insight Scoop >> The Church of Latter Day Sinners Love Remains the Same >> Pro-Life, Pro-Woman Quote of the Day New Liturgical Movement >> Update from Seton Hall University Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Saturday, Lent Wk 1: "love your enemies " Musings of a Pertinacious Papist >> Lay ministry & vocations: food for thought Patrick Madrid >> Massive 8.8 Quake Strikes Chile (Hawaii under alert for tsunamis) Transalpine Redemptorists at home >> Station at St. Peter's WDTPRS >> WDTPRS - Ember Saturday ...

Afternoon - St. Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop, Confessor & Doctor - Missa 'In Medio Ecclesiae' - February 9th, 2010

A Priest Life >> Breakout (and this area is expecting from 12-20 inches more...) Mulier Fortis >> Candlemas (which was Feb 2nd...) New Liturgical Movement >> Lenten Gospel Acclamation, Latin OF Patrick Madrid >> Why Marriage Is Inherently Heterosexual Reflections of a Paralytic >> More Pro-Family Super Bowl Ads Standing on My Head >> Why Progressivism is Passe The Curt Jester >> Owning the opposition The Divine Life >> Want to fight the recession? Have more kids Transalpine Redemptorists at home >> Avoiding the devil The Recovering Choir Director >> Teach us with thee to mourn our sins: Reflections on the past thirty years of church music WDTPRS >> Haitian Pulled From Rubble 27 Days After Quake WDTPRS >> Brick by brick at Seton Hall University

Afternoon Roundup - Tuesday, February 10th, 2009

The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Circular Firing Squad The Recovering Choir Director >> The Real “On Eagles’ Wings” and a Neglected Catholic Tradition The New Liturgical Movement >> Usus Antiquior at Seton Hall University Transalpine Redemptorists at home >> Where the French are so French! WDTPRS >> Vatican spokesman Fr. Lombardi clarifies remarks about Card. Castrillon WDTPRS >> POLL: Who has done more damage to Holy Church? WDTPRS >> Cunctando regitur mundus! Cardinals and the ticking clock. WDTPRS >> WDTPRS solidarity with NLM and MusicaSacra

Morning Roundup - Wednesday, April 30th, 2008

Summorum Pontificum >> Usus Antiquior at Seton Hall The New Liturgical Movement >> News on Dominican Saints WDTPRS >> PODCAzT 54: Pro-Abortion Politicians and Communion; St. Ambrose and Emperor Theodosius WDTPRS >> Rorate strikes again: How don Camillo blocked the removal of an altar WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: Validity of matter of Hosts; adding water to Holy Water

A Fascinating Contrast Appearing on the Same Day!

Catholic World News today reports that H.E. Archbishop Piero Marini, former Master of Ceremonies to the Holy Father, tells "L'Osservatore Romano" that the liturgical changes following Vatican II are "irreversible ." The motu proprio , the archbishop said, was intended primarily to appeal to those Catholics who have a special connection with the pre-conciliar liturgy . He said that the document was “only a gesture to serve unity.” Meanwhile, Fr. John Zuhlsdorf of " What Does the Prayer Really Say ?" posts a nice story today on the TLM celebrated at Seton Hall University accompanied by a link to over 150 photos ! In attendance were over 50 students, a great many of them seminarians. In his homily Father Grimm stressed the importance of Catholic traditions , stating that the Extraordinary Form is the same Mass of countless saints including Padre Pio and Elizabeth Ann Seton. After Mass students whom never experienced the Extraordinary Form were great...

Morning Roundup - Tuesday, April 29th, 2008

First Things: On the Square >> The Pope's Plan for the U.N. The New Liturgical Movement >> Usus Antiquior at Seton Hall Whispers in the Loggia >> The Book of Names

NLM: Seton Hall University

Shawn Tribe of the New Liturgical Movement announces that Seton Hall University has initiated celebration of the Novus Ordo Latin Mass on four consecutive Mondays at 6:00 PM (beginning yesterday, March 31st) and will celebrate a Solemn Tridentine Mass on Monday, April 28th. Go here for more details . Laus Deo!