
Showing posts with the label Susan Tassone

All Souls Day - Sunday, November 2nd - Dies Irae (Days of Wrath)

The Dies Irae is an essential part of the Requiem Mass for the Dead in the Traditional Latin Rite. Here it is linked to the Fisheater's website . Here is a part of the Requiem Mass : The priest, dressed in a black cope, will greet the coffin at the door of the Church, sprinkling it with Holy Water, and intoning the De Profundis (Pslam 129) and the Miserere (Psalm 50). The Introit asks that eternal rest be given to the departed, and the Collect asks that God deliver his or her soul. The Epistle will be a reading of I Thessalonians 4:13-18, in which St. Paul speaks of death. After the Gradual, a Tract asking absolution from every bond of sin on the part of the deceased is intoned, followed by the glorious Sequence, the Dies Irae. The Gospel will be a reading of John 11:21-27, the story of St. Martha's profession of faith that her brother, Lazarus, will rise again. The Offertory prayer asks Jesus C...