
Showing posts with the label The Catholic Herald

Morning - St. Catharine of Siena, Virgin & Doctor - Missa 'Dilexisti' - April 30th, 2010

A Priest Life >> Benedetto XVI: Il sacerdote “continua l’opera della Redenzione sulla terra ” ADW Blog >> Turn Down That Microphone and Preach from Your Soul: How Modern P.A. Systems Have Harmed Preaching A Trail of Flowers >> Quest Bill Petro >> History of May Day Catholic Herald, UK >> Move over Greene, Waugh and Belloc (Roy Peachey) (Sandro Magister) >> Passion of Christ, Passion of Man Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Friday, Lent Wk 4: "You have faith in God " New Liturgical Movement >> April 2010 Adoremus Bulletin RORATE CÆLI >> The Traditional Latin Mass in the Archdiocese of Jakarta (website at this link ) RORATE CÆLI >> Important Papal Events SECRET HARBOUR >> The Heart of Jesus is the Book of Divine Love The Cathoholic >> Anti-Catholicism Again: Joseph Bottum looks at coverage of Church scandal The Divine Life >> Catholic Radio coming to DC ! (...

The Magnificat Daily Devotional Now Available in the U.K. and British Isles

Anyone who has read this blog for a time knows that I am a true devotee of The Magnificat, the marvelous abbreviated version of the Liturgy of the Hours. As I've stated, it contains the daily Mass readings, morning and evening prayer, a daily meditation, a mediation on the Saints and truly wonderful thoughts and prayers for the liturgical year. I have seen them everywhere, and they are sold by subscription and in religious bookstores in the U.S. and other countries. I have a link to the international website in the right margin under the word, Magnificat. I noticed today on The Catholic Herald's website in Britain that the Magnificat has now come to Britain! Here is the link from the front page of the Herald's website where one can download a PDF file . I urge my British friends to look into this daily devotional. It is not as extensive as the Divine Office and does not substitute for it if one is looking for the official version of the Church's daily reading. ...

The Recovering Choir Director: "Can the Pope get Catholics to sing again?"

Aristotle mulls the question posed within an article in the Catholic Herald, U.K. The answer is "no" but... Read the rest of the commentary on the story and catch the hyperlink to the Catholic Herald article here .

The Catholic Herald: Why everyone logs on to ‘Father Z’

The Catholic Herald, Britain's leading Catholic newspaper, carries a wonderful story on Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, author of the blog, "What Does the Prayer Really Say ?" The story helps to explain why this "tiny" blog carries a link to his blog on its Blogroll and his "Feedburner Stream" linking to his articles. Read it and enjoy !