
Showing posts with the label The Priesthood

The Black Biretta: PRIESTHOOD

Father John Trigilio who posts " The Black Biretta " has an important essay this morning about the priesthood. It is addressed to Bishops, Priests, Deacons and the laity . Here is just a small portion: [...] A growing concern, however, is for the orthodox, devout, parish priest who literally says the black and does the red is that he may inadvertently neglect his spiritual NEEDS. Too many good and doctrinely sound priests and deacons burn out or become discouraged, disenchanted and disillusioned. These men have NOT lost their faith , but they are very close to losing HOPE . These men do not leave the priesthood, but they can lose their zeal and their love of what they do IF they do not take care of their own spiritual needs. Secular progressive bishops who use a corporate business paradigm to run the diocese instill a dangerous mindset among the presbyterate. If BEING a priest becomes less important than DOING priestly things, trouble is not far behind. As B16 (and Fr Z) ...

Catholic Review Online: Chrism Mass message is food for the soul

The Chrism Mass was held Monday, March 17th in our Archdiocese at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Baltimore . Today, His Excellency Archbishop Edwin O'Brien in his column, " Thoughts on Our Church " writes a beautiful column for his brother priests and for all of us . Th e last several years, as each very special Chrism Mass approaches, I have found food for the soul in a 2002 Chrism Mass homily offered by Baltimore’s proud native son Bishop Victor Galeone of St. Augustine. I thought I should share it with you and am grateful to my good friend, the Bishop of St. Augustine, for permission to do so: "I’d like you to come back with me to the spring of 1974 – back to the town of Andahuaylas, high in the Andes Mountains. At the time, I was serving as a missionary in Peru. This particular Sunday afternoon, I was visiting our sick parishioners in the town hospital. In the men’s ward, I came across Oswaldo – a Lutheran minister who was visiting from Lima. He had taken i...