
Showing posts with the label UNICEF

Afternoon - St. Andrew Corsini, Bishop & Confessor - Missa 'Statuit Ei Dominus' - February 4th, 2010

AmP >> MTV donates to pro-abortion UNICEF while Missionaries of Charity/MCI care for babies Anna Arco's Diary >> Benedict, the Equality Bill and Natural Law A Priest Life >> The Right to Life is Justice, Not Politics (Fr. Kevin M. Cusick) ADW Blog >> Be VERY Careful Before You Ask God To Be Fair Ars orandi >> Collect of the Day: St. Andrew Corsini A Trail of Flowers >> Relationships Catholic Hour >> Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Sandro Magister) >> China. Zen's Horn and Bertone's Bell Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Thursday, 4th Wk, C: "the way of all flesh " Mulier Fortis >> Flattery... (Of A Sort!) SECRET HARBOR >> Inexpressible Equals Love Opus Dei >> Letter from the Prelate (February 2010) The Divine Life >> Pray a rosary for your bishop (AMEN!) WDTPRS >> Ouija boards are NOT toys WDTPRS >> Dissenting Catholic publica...

St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen or Anniversary of the Coronation of the Supreme Pontiff, Benedict XVI - April 24th, 2009

Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> "you may even find yourselves fighting against God." New Liturgical Movement >> Can Hymns Licitly Replace Propers New Liturgical Movement >> Results on the Poll on the Language of the Readings in the Usus Antiquior RORATE CÆLI >> Pope addresses PBC on the Divine Inspiration and Truth of Scripture Standing on My Head >> Poem for Easter The Catholic Thing >> UNICEF Promotes Abortion in Latin America (Austin Ruse) The Recovering Choir Director >> Singing the Mass versus singing at Mass - the last word?