
Showing posts with the label Utiltiarianism

Standing on My Head: Politics, Sentimentality and Utilitarianism

Fr. Dwight Longenecker actually has two posts with regard to the hideous Pro-Life debacle in Britain. The first is entitled, " Politics, Sentimentality and Utilitarianism ," and the second is entitled, " Silence is Deafening ." This passage from post #1 sums up his view: Sentimental and utilitarian arguments are fine as part of the arsenal, but the only way abortion will really stop is when people decide that it is gravely immoral. They will only decide that it is gravely immoral when they decide that killing an innocent person is gravely immoral, and they will only decide that when they really understand what a human person is, and they will only understand that when they come to believe that each person is an immortal soul created in God's image, and they will only come to believe that when they start believing in God. Every argument is a theological argument. Amen!