
Mass Times in Maryland--Assistance

Dear Friends, My blog Sitemeter shows that some of you visiting are using the words, "Mass" and "Maryland" and landing on this page. This is becoming more frequent. Furthermore, many are not necessarily looking for links to the TLM (which are found linked in the menu to the right). First, if you check the menu to the right under my Blogroll and Favorite Websites, there is a marvelous service labeled MassTimes.Org . It will find everything from "Masses" to "Eucharistic Adoration" to "Confessions" if you begin with a City, State, Zip Code, Diocese (or Country, County, etc.) and work from there. Someone today was searching for the "Masses at the University of Maryland College Park Chapel" this morning. Using, I searched "College Park, MD" and worked from there. I got Masses in the Archdiocese of Washington, scrolled down to the heading Universities , and found this link: University of MD Catholic

U.S. bishops shun Notre Dame venue due to V-Monologues

Catholic News Agency reports this development from the USCCB and Notre Dame : A theological seminar for Catholic bishops has been relocated from the campus of the University of Notre Dame in response to the school’s planned performance of the play “The Vagina Monologues,” the South Bend Tribune reports. The seminar, a meeting of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Doctrine, includes Notre Dame faculty who act as advisors and is co-sponsored by the university’s Institute for Church Life. Instead of taking place on the Notre Dame campus, it has been moved to a convent of the Sisters of St. Francis in Mishawaka, Indiana. Seven bishops and archbishops are members of the Committee on Doctrine, while its consultants include Notre Dame theology department chair Dr. John C. Cavadini and the Archbishop of Chicago Cardinal Francis George. Read more here... One gets the feeling that a struggle is ongoing between the secular and the sublime on the same campus!

Classical Liturgy Society Formed at Notre Dame

Shawn Tribe posts some excellent news coming from Notre Dame in South Bend, IN . We wish to inform readers... that a group of alumni is in the process of forming a society of members of the Notre Dame community (alumni, students, faculty, and friends of the University) interested in any aspect of the Tridentine Rite, including, by way of example only, its history, theological and philosophical underpinnings, spiritual implications, and the various arts, such as music, architecture, and fine art, that are used to adorn it. Read more here...

Gospel-First Sunday in Lent

GOSPEL ¤ Matth. 4. 1-11 . † Continuation of the holy Gospel according to St. Matthew. † Sequentia sancti Evangelii secundum Matthaeum. [It was in the desert that Satan, wishing to know if the Son of Mary was really the Son of God, tempted our Lord. The devil seeks to tempt us by the lustful desire of the flesh, by the pride of life, and by the lustful desire of the eyes, or avarice.] In illo tempore: Ductus est Iesus in desertum a Spiritu, ut tentaretur a diabolo. Et cum ieiunasset quadraginta diebus, et quadraginta noctibus, postea esuriit. Et accedens tentator, dixit et: Si Filius Dei es, dic ut lapides isti panes fiant. Qui respondens, dixit: Scriptum est: Non in solo pane vivit homo, sed in omni verbo, quod procedit de ore Dei. Tunc assumpsit eum diabolus in sanctam civitatem, et statuit eum super pinnaculum templi, et dixit ei: Si Filius Dei es, mitte te deorsum. Scriptum est enim: Quia Angelis suis mandavit de te, et in manibus tollent te, ne forte offendas ad lapid

Examination of Conscience

It is Saturday and some of us have thoughts that turn naturally to Confession (Sacrament of Penance or Reconciliation). This is an excellent summary for an Examination of Conscience by Father John Trigilio of "The Black Biretta" . In the Sacrament of Penance the Faithful who confess their sins to a Priest, are sorry for those sins and have a purpose of amendment, receive from God, through the absolution given by that Priest, forgiveness of sins they have committed after Baptism, and at the same time they are reconciled with the Church, which by sinning they wounded. (Canon 959) The tips for a good Examination of Conscience are here .

UPDATE: Solemn TLM at St. Bernadette, Silver Spring, MD, Set for 11 February 2008

I would like to give a "hat tip" to Will Cubbedge who posts the "Fish in a Barrel" blog who contacted me by email. Apparently, Monsignor K. Bartholomew Smith, Pastor of Saint Bernadette's in Silver Spring, Maryland made the following announcement relating to the celebration of Our Lady's apparition at Lourdes : [...] Anyway, as I announced last week, I am hoping that you all will benefit from the experience as I did. Some of you remember this form of the Mass, others have heard about it (you know, “Latin!”). So on Monday, February 11th, at 7:30 in the evening, here at St. Bernadette Church, we will celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes on the 150th Anniversary of that first apparition by celebrating the Mass in a way that St. Bernadette would have known and loved (emphasis mine) . We will have here in our church a Solemn High mass according to the older form, with magnificent music composed by Thomas Luis de Victoria four hundred years ago. It

Satan Exists, and Christ Defeated Him

This Gospel Commentary is for 1st Sunday of Lent and is by Father Raniero Cantalamessa, O.F.M. Cap., Preacher for the Pontifical Household. It was posted on and is pertaining to the Gospel of Matthew 4:1-11 . Our technological and industrialized world is filled with magicians, wizards, occultism, spiritualism, fortune tellers, spell trafficking, amulets, as well as very real Satanic sects. Chased away from the door, the devil has come in through the window. Chased away by the faith, he has returned by way of superstition. The episode of Jesus' temptations in the desert that is read on the First Sunday of Lent helps us to have some clarity on this subject. First of all, do demons exist? That is, does the word "demon" truly indicate some personal being with intelligence and will, or is it simply a symbol, a manner of speaking that refers to the sum of the world's moral evil, the collective unconscious, collective alienation, etc.? Many intellectuals do not

Tract: Friday After Ash Wednesday

TRACT ¤ Ps. 102. 10 Domine, non secundum peccata nostra, quae fecimus nos: neque secundum iniquitates nostras retribuas nobis. V.: Domine, ne memineris iniquitatum nostrarum antiquarum, cito anticipent nos misericordiae tuae, quia pauperes facti sumus nimis. V.: Adjuva nos, Deus salutaris noster: et propter gloriam nominis tui, Domine, libera nos et propitius esto peccatis nostris, propter nomen tuum. O Lord, repay us not according to the sins we have committed nor according to our iniquities. V.: ( Ps. 78. 8, 9) O Lord, remember not our former iniquities, let Thy mercies speedily prevent us; for we are become exceedingly poor. [Here kneel] Help us, O God, our Savior: and for the glory of Thy Name, O Lord, deliver us: and forget us not for Thy Name's sake. Friday after Ash Wednesday . Tridentine Latin Rite Missal Project .

Vatican's 'nicest guy' shares ideas in visit here carries a nice interview of Cardinal John Foley by Tim Townsend . Cardinal Foley was in St. Louis last week and had time for the interview. Here is a snippet: Q: What are the differences between John Paul and Benedict in terms of how they worked with media? Foley: John Paul was a more dramatic figure, and given to dramatic gestures, which the present Holy Father is not. But the present Holy Father is very open to the media. He's very kind, gentle, and he has given interviews before he has gone to specific countries. He did for the Polish media before he went to Poland. He did for the German media before he went to Cologne for World Youth Day. So, it would be nice if he'd do that for the American media, too, but I don't know. He doesn't feel as secure in English. He speaks English very well, but I guess he just lacks confidence. He's a professor, so he like to get things right. … … Not too many people could say that a pope has been in their livin

DC Catholic Now Added to the Blogroll

I am happy to learn that I have a compatriot in D.C. who has added me to the blog's blogroll. I am most happy to return the favor. DC Catholic is the blog to visit for information on the Nation's Capital, the Archdiocese of Washington and especially for the visit of His Holiness this Spring. Check it out! Hat tip, DC!