
Saturday Mass Edition - St. Bartholomew, Apostle - S. Bartholomǽi, Apóstoli - Missa 'Mihi Autem' - August 24th, 2024

†         St.   Bartholomew,  Apostle,   S.  Bartholomǽi,  Apóstoli,   Missa  'Mihi  Autem' - August 24th, 2024 - Propers † (Live & Recorded Daily TLM Masses) †         Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - August 19th, 2024 to August 25th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost L ITURGICAL Sermonry >> Saint Bartholomew Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >> August 24  St Bartholomew, apostle The +Ecu-Men+ >> August 24 – St Bartholomew, Apostle Lives of the Saints >> August 24  Saint Bartholomew, Apostle and Martyr  († 71) CatholicSaints.Info: Saints of the Day: 24 August Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> August 24th   B LOGS, NEWS, OPINION AND COMMENTARY Aleteia (John Burger) >> American nun’s body incorrupt: Bishop reports medical findings American Thinker (Vince Coyner) >> Britain, Which Birthed American Ideas About Liberty, Has Embraced Despotism American Thin

Friday Mass Edition - St. Philip Benizi, Confessor - S. Philippi Benitii Confessoris - Missa 'Iustus Ut Palma' - August 23rd, 2024

†          St.  Philip  Benizi,  Confessor,  S.  Philippi  Benitii  Confessoris,  Missa  'Iustus  Ut  Palma' - August 23rd, 2024 - Propers † (Live & Recorded Daily TLM Masses) †         Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - August 19th, 2024 to August 25th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost L ITURGICAL Sermonry >> Saint Philip Benizi Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >> August 23  St Philipp Benizi, confessor The +Ecu-Men+ >> August 23 – St Philip Benizi, Confessor Lives of the Saints >> August 23  Saint Philip Benizi,  Servite Priest  (1233-1285) CatholicSaints.Info: Saints of the Day: 23 August Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> August 23rd   B LOGS, NEWS, OPINION AND COMMENTARY Aleteia (Philip Kosloski) >> How the Divine Office is an extension of the Mass American Thinker (Josie Avery) >> A Win Over Artificial Intelligence American Thinker (Daniel Jia) &g

Thursday Mass Edition - Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Missa 'Adeámus Cum Fidúcia' - Commemoration: SS. Timothy, Hippolytus & Symphorian, Martyrs - August 22nd, 2024

†          Immaculate   Heart  of  the  Blessed  Virgin  Mary, Immaculati  Cordis  Beatæ   Mariæ  Virginis, Missa  'Adeámus  Cum  Fidúcia', Commemoration:  SS.  Timothy,  Hippolytus  and  Symphorian,  Martyrs - August 22nd, 2024 - Propers † (Live & Recorded Daily TLM Masses) †         Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - August 19th, 2024 to August 25th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost L ITURGICAL Sermonry >> Immaculate Heart of Mary Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >> August 22  Feast of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary The +Ecu-Men+ >> August 22 – Octave Day of the Assumption Lives of the Saints >> August 22  The Immaculate Heart of Mary CatholicSaints.Info: Saints of the Day: 22 August Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> August 22nd   B LOGS, NEWS, OPINION AND COMMENTARY Aleteia (Philip Kosloski) >> St. Pius X’s key to reforming the Church Ale

Wednesday Mass Edition - St. Jane Frances de Chantal, Widow - S. Joannæ Franciscæ Frémiot de Chantal Viduæ - Missa 'Cognóvi' - August 21st, 2024

†          St.  Jane   Frances  de  Chantal,  Widow,  S. Joannæ  Franciscæ  Frémiot  de  Chantal  Viduæ,  Missa  'Cognóvi' - August 21st, 2024 - Propers † (Live & Recorded Daily TLM Masses) †         Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - August 19th, 2024 to August 25th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost L ITURGICAL Sermonry >> Saint Jane Frances de Chantal Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >> August 21   St Jane Frances de Chantal, widow  The +Ecu-Men+ >> August 21 – St Jane Frances Fremiot de Chantal, Widow Lives of the Saints >> August 21  Saint Jane Frances de Chantal, Foundress of the Order of the Visitation of The Blessed Virgin Mary  (1572-1641) CatholicSaints.Info: Saints of the Day: 21 August Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> August 21st   B LOGS, NEWS, OPINION AND COMMENTARY Aleteia (Philip Kosloski) >> Why is St. Bernard called the “Honey Doctor”? Ame

Tuesday Mass Edition - St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Abbot and Doctor - Missa 'In Médio Ecclésiæ' - August 20th, 2024

†          St.  Bernard  of  Clairvaux,  Abbot  and  Doctor,  S.  Bernardi  Abbatis  et  Ecclesiæ  Doctoris,   Missa  'In  Médio  Ecclésiæ' - August 20th, 2024 - Propers † (Live & Recorded Daily TLM Masses) †         Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - August 19th, 2024 to August 25th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost L ITURGICAL Sermonry >> Saint Bernard Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >>  St Bernard, abbot and doctor The +Ecu-Men+ >> August 20 – St Bernard, Abbot & Doctor of the Church Lives of the Saints >> August 20  Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux  (1090-1153) CatholicSaints.Info: Saints of the Day: 20 August Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> August 20th   B LOGS, NEWS, OPINION AND COMMENTARY Aleteia (Philip Kosloski) >> St. John Eudes’ idea for forming good and holy priests Aleteia (Tom Hoopes) >> Mary’s feast days celebrate the Beatitudes A

Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - August 19th, 2024 to August 25th, 2024 - Propers for the Week | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Image Credit:  Words  of  Life -  No  Man  Can  Serve  Two  Masters AUGUST, 2024, ANNO DOMINI TEMPUS PER ANNUM POST PENTECOSTEN Monday,  19th   -    St.  John  Eudes,  Confessor,  S.  Ioannis  Eudes  Confessoris,  Missa  'Os  Iusti',    3rd  Class,   White   [Gloria;  Common  Preface] Tuesday,  20th   -   St.  Bernard  of  Clairvaux,  Abbot  and  Doctor,  S.  Bernardi  Abbatis  et  Ecclesiæ  Doctoris,   Missa  'In  Médio  Ecclésiæ',    3rd  Class,   White  [Gloria;   Common   Preface] Wednesday,  21st  -   St.  Jane   Frances  de  Chantal,  Widow,  S. Joannæ  Franciscæ  Frémiot  de  Chantal  Viduæ,  Missa  'Cognóvi',   3rd  Class,   White   [Gloria;   Common   Preface] Thursday,  22nd   -    Immaculate   Heart  of  the  Blessed  Virgin  Mary,   Immaculati  Cordis  Beatæ   Mariæ  Virginis,  Missa  'Adeámus  Cum  Fidúcia',    2nd  Class,   White   [Gloria  &  Creed;   Preface  of  the  Blessed  Virgin  Mary;   Commemoration:  SS.  Timothy,  Hippolyt

Monday Mass Edition - St. John Eudes, Confessor - S. Ioannis Eudes Confessoris - Missa 'Os Iusti' - August 19th, 2024

†          St.  John  Eudes,  Confessor,  S.  Ioannis  Eudes  Confessoris,  Missa  'Os  Iusti' - August 19th, 2024 - Propers †          Thirteenth  Sunday  after  Pentecost,   Dominica   Decima  Tertia  Post  Pentecosten,   Missa  'Respice  Dómine' - August 18th, 2024 - Propers † (Live & Recorded Daily TLM Masses) †         Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - August 12th, 2024 to August 18th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week | Assumption of the B.V.M  | 13th Sunday after Pentecost L ITURGICAL Sermonry >> Saint John Eudes Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >>  St John Eudes, confessor The +Ecu-Men+ >> August 19 – St John Eudes, Confessor Lives of the Saints >> August 19  Saint John Eudes, Founder of the Congregation of Jesus and Mary (Eudists) and the Sisters of Our Lady of Charity  (1601-1680) CatholicSaints.Info: Saints of the Day: 19 August Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> August 19th   B LO

Sunday Mass Edition - Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost - Dominica Decima Tertia Post Pentecosten - Missa 'Respice Dómine' - August 18th, 2024

†          Thirteenth  Sunday  after  Pentecost,   Dominica   Decima  Tertia  Post  Pentecosten,   Missa  'Respice  Dómine' - August 18th, 2024 - Propers † (Live & Recorded Daily TLM Masses) †         Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - August 12th, 2024 to August 18th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week | Assumption of the B.V.M  | 13th Sunday after Pentecost L ITURGICAL Fr. Z's Blog (Fr. John Zuhlsdorf) >>  WDTPRS – 13th Sunday after Pentecost: “E ‘n la sua volontade è nostra pace!” Fr. Z's Blog (Fr. John Zuhlsdorf) >>  WDTPRS – SECRET 13th Sunday after Pentecost: a fearful puzzle New Liturgical Movement (Michael P. Foley) >> The Theological Virtues and the Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost Sermonry >> Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost The Divine Lamp - Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost >>  Commentaries on the Mass Readings (Dominica XIII Post Pentecosten) Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's >> INSTRUCTI

Saturday Mass Edition - St. Hyacinth, Confessor - S. Hyacinthi Confessoris - Missa 'Os Iusti' - August 17th, 2024

†          St.  Hyacinth,  Confessor,   S.  Hyacinthi  Confessoris,   Missa  'Os  Iusti' - August 17th, 2024 - Propers † (Live & Recorded Daily TLM Masses) †         Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - August 12th, 2024 to August 18th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week | Assumption of the B.V.M  | 13th Sunday after Pentecost L ITURGICAL Sermonry >> Saint Hyacinth Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >>  St Hyacinth, confessor The +Ecu-Men+ >> August 17 – St Hyacinth, Confessor Lives of the Saints >> August 17   Saint Hyacinth, Missionary Preacher and Thaumaturge  († 1257) CatholicSaints.Info: Saints of the Day: 17 August Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> August 17th   B LOGS, NEWS, OPINION AND COMMENTARY American Thinker (Robert F. Turner) >> Politicizing the Military Must Stop American Thinker (Eileen F. Toplansky) >> Sensitivity Training from the Left American Thinker (Silvio Canto, Jr.) >

Friday Mass Edition - St. Joachim, Father of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Confessor - Missa 'Dispérsit' - August 16th, 2024

†          St.  Joachim,  Father  of  the  Blessed  Virgin  Mary,  Confessor,   S.  Joachim  Confessoris  Patris  Beatæ  Mariæ  Virginis,   Missa  'Dispérsit' - August 16th, 2024 - Propers †          The  Assumption  of  the  Blessed  Virgin  Mary,  In   Assumptióne  Beatæ  Maríæ  Vírginis,   Missa  'Signum  Magnum' - August 15th, 2024 - Propers † (Live & Recorded Daily TLM Masses) †         Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - August 12th, 2024 to August 18th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week | Assumption of the B.V.M  | 13th Sunday after Pentecost L ITURGICAL Sermonry >> Saint Joachim Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >>  St Joachim, father of the Blessed Virgin Mary The +Ecu-Men+ >> August 16 – St Joachim, Confessor, Father of the Blessed Virgin Mary Lives of the Saints >> August 16  Saint Joachim, Father of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary  († ca. 7 B.C.) CatholicSaints.Info: Saints of the Day: 16 August Boston