
Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - October 14th, 2024 to October 20th, 2024 - Propers for the Week | Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost

Image  Credit:  CBC - Is  'Render  unto  Caesar'  really  about  taxes? OCTOBER, 2024, ANNO DOMINI TEMPUS PER ANNUM POST PENTECOSTEN Monday,  14th    -   St.  Callistus  I,  Pope  and  Martyr,   S.  Callisti  Papæ  et  Martyris,   Missa  'Si  Diligis  Me',    3rd  Class,   Red     [Gloria;   Common  Preface] Tuesday,  15th   -   St.  Teresa  of  Avila,  Virgin,  S.  Terésiæ,  Vírginis,   Missa  'Dilexísti  Iustítiam',    3rd  Class,   White   [Gloria;   Common  Preface]  Wednesday,  16th -    St.  Hedwig  (of  Andechs),  Widow,   S. Hedwigis  Viduæ,  Missa  'Cognóvi  Dómine',    3rd  Class,   White   [Gloria;   Common  Preface]  Wednesday,  16th -    CANADA:   St.  Marguerite  d'Youville,  Widow,   3rd  Class,   White   [Gloria;  Common   Preface;  Commemoration:   St.   Hedwig,   Widow] Thursday,  17th   -   St.  Margaret  Mary  Alacoque,  Virgin,   S.  Margarítæ  Maríæ  Alacóque,  Vírginis,  Missa  'Sub  Umbra  Illíus',    3rd  Class,   W

Monday Mass Edition - St. Callistus I, Pope and Martyr - S. Callisti Papæ et Martyris - Missa 'Si Diligis Me' - October 14th, 2024

†         St.  Callistus  I,  Pope  and  Martyr,   S.  Callisti  Papæ  et  Martyris,   Missa  'Si  Diligis  Me' - October 14th, 2024 - Propers   †         Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - October 7th, 2024 to October 13th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week  |  Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost L ITURGICAL Sermonry >> Saint Callistus Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >>  St Callistus, pope and martyr   [St. Callistus I, Pope and Martyr († c. 222)] The +Ecu-Men+ >> October 14 – St Callixtus I, Pope & Martyr Lives of the Saints >> October 14  Saint Callistus I, Pope and Martyr  († 223) CatholicSaints.Info: Saints of the Day: 14 October Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> October 14th   B LOGS, NEWS, OPINION AND COMMENTARY A Catholic Life (Matthew) >> A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 88 Aleteia (John Touhey) >> Fatima’s “Miracle of the Sun” as visualized by A.I. (Photos) American Thinker (Kevin Finn) >> Ca

Sunday Mass Edition - Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost - Dominica Vigesima Prima post Pentecosten - Missa 'In Voluntáte Tua' - October 13, 2024

†         Twenty-first  Sunday  after  Pentecost,   Dominica  Vigesima  Prima  post  Pentecosten,  Missa  'In  Voluntáte  Tua' - October 13, 2024 - Propers †         Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - October 7th, 2024 to October 13th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week  |  Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost L ITURGICAL OnePeterFive (Fr. John Zuhlsdorf) >> Diebus Saltem Dominicis – 21st Sunday after Pentecost: Restitution Fr. Z's Blog (Fr. John Zuhlsdorf) >> WDTPRS – 21st Sunday after Pentecost: My strengths support yours.  My sins weaken us all. New Liturgical Movement (Michael P. Foley) >> The Final Conflict and the Orations of the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost Voice of the Family (Fr Gabriel of St Mary Magdalene OCD) >> Human qualities and apostolic charity: on the twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost Sermonry >> Twenty-first Sunday After Pentecost The Divine Lamp >> Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost: Commentaries and

Saturday Mass Edition - Saturday of Our Lady - Sanctæ Mariae Sabbato - Missa 'Salve Sancta Parens' - October 12th, 2024

†         Saturday,  12th  -    Saturday  of  Our  Lady,  Sanctæ   Mariae   Sabbato,   Missa  'Salve  Sancta  Parens' - October 12th, 2024 - Propers †         Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - October 7th, 2024 to October 13th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week  |  Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost L ITURGICAL Catholic News World >> October 12 : St. Wilfrid, a Bishop Confessor and the Patron of England - A Great Defender of the Rights of the Holy See Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >> Saturday of the Blessed Virgin (Salve sancta parens)   [St. Wilfrid, Bishop and Confessor] Lives of the Saints >> October 12  Saint Wilfrid,  Archbishop of York  (634-709) CatholicSaints.Info: Saints of the Day: 12 October Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> October 12th   B LOGS, NEWS, OPINION AND COMMENTARY Aleteia (Zelda Caldwell) >> Oct. 11 is feast of nursing Virgin Mary at Florida shrine American Thinker (Will Henry) >> Participat

Friday Mass Edition - Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Maternitatis Beatæ Mariæ Virginis - Missa 'Ecce Virgo Concípiet' - October 11th, 2024

†         Motherhood  of  the  Blessed  Virgin  Mary,   Maternitatis  Beatæ   Mariæ  Virginis,   Missa  'Ecce  Virgo  Concípiet' - October 11th, 2024 - Propers †         Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - October 7th, 2024 to October 13th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week  |  Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost L ITURGICAL Sermonry >> Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >> The Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary     The +Ecu-Men+ >>  October 11 – The Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary Lives of the Saints >> October 11  The Divine Maternity of Mary CatholicSaints.Info: Saints of the Day: 11 October Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> October 11th   B LOGS, NEWS, OPINION AND COMMENTARY American Thinker (Alex Rosado) >> America Must Reckon with the Politics of Death American Thinker (Neil Bright) >> The Bluebonic plague A Priest Life (Fr. Kevin Cusick) >> Three More Pro-Lif

Thursday Mass Edition - St. Francis Borgia, Confessor - S. Francisci Borgiæ, Confessoris - Missa 'Os Iusti' - October 10th, 2024

†         St.  Francis  Borgia,  Confessor,  S.  Francisci  Borgiæ,  Confessoris, Missa  'Os  Iusti' - October 10th, 2024 - Propers †         Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - October 7th, 2024 to October 13th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week  |  Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost L ITURGICAL Sermonry >> Saint Francis Borgia Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >> St Francis Borgia, confessor The +Ecu-Men+ >>  October 10 – St Francis Borgia, Confessor Lives of the Saints >> October 10  Saint Francis Borgia,  General of the Jesuits  (1510-1572) CatholicSaints.Info: Saints of the Day: 10 October Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> October 10th   B LOGS, NEWS, OPINION AND COMMENTARY Aleteia (Philip Kosloski) >> Mental prayer can be more powerful than formula prayers American Thinker (James Simpson) >> Communists Out of the Closet American Thinker (J.B. Shurk) >> No Hurricane Help from the Feds A Priest Life (Fr.

Wednesday Mass Edition - St. John Leonardi, Confessor - Missa 'In Sermónibus Dómini' - Commemoration: SS. Denis, Bp., Rusticius & Eleutherius, MM. - October 9th, 2024

†         St.  John  Leonardi,  Confessor,  S.  Ioannis  Leonardi,  Confessoris,  Missa  'In  Sermónibus  Dómini', Commemoration:  SS.  Denis,  Bishop,  Rusticius  and  Eleutherius,  Martyrs - October 9th, 2024 - Propers †         Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - October 7th, 2024 to October 13th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week  |  Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost L ITURGICAL Sermonry >> Saint John Leonardi Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >> St John Leonardi, confessor   Franciscan Media >> Saint John Leonardi The +Ecu-Men+ >>  October 9 – St Dionysius, Bishop & Martyr; AND Ss Rusticus & Eleutherius, Martyrs Lives of the Saints >> October 9  Saint Dionysius the Areopagite, First Bishop of Athens and of Paris and his Companions, Martyrs († 117) CatholicSaints.Info: Saints of the Day: 9 October Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> October 9th   B LOGS, NEWS, OPINION AND COMMENTARY Aleteia (I.Media) >>

Tuesday Mass Edition - St. Bridget of Sweden, Widow - Missa 'Cognóvi Dómine' - Commemoration: SS. Sergius, Bacchus, Marcellus & Apuleius, MM. - October 8th, 2024

†         St.  Bridget  of  Sweden,  Widow,   S.  Brigittæ,  Viduæ,   Missa  'Cognóvi  Dómine', Commemoration:  SS. Sergius,  Bacchus,  Marcellus  and  Apuleius,  Martyrs - October 8th, 2024 - Propers †         Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - October 7th, 2024 to October 13th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week  |  Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost L ITURGICAL Sermonry >> Saint Bridget Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >> St Bridget of Sweden, widow The +Ecu-Men+ >>  October 8 – St Bridget of Sweden, Widow Lives of the Saints >> October 8  Saint Bridget of Sweden, Widow  (1302-1373) CatholicSaints.Info: Saints of the Day: 8 October Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> October 8th   B LOGS, NEWS, OPINION AND COMMENTARY Aleteia (Philip Kosloski) >> Leo XIII encouraged praying the Rosary to combat evil Aleteia (Kathleen N. Hattrup) >> Pope writes to Catholics of the Middle East American Thinker (Rajan Laad) >>

Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - October 7th, 2024 to October 13th, 2024 - Propers for the Week | Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost

Image  Credit:  Daily  Prayer -  The  Unmerciful  Servant  by  Willem  Drost,  ca. 1655 OCTOBER, 2024, ANNO DOMINI TEMPUS PER ANNUM POST PENTECOSTEN Monday,  7th   -     Our   Lady  of  the  Rosary,   Festum   Beatæ   Mariæ  Virginis  a  Rosario,   Missa  'Gaudeámus  Omnes',   2nd  Class,   White   [Gloria  &  Creed,  Preface  of  the  Blessed   Virgin   Mary;   Commemoration:  St.  Mark,  Pope  and  Confessor;   Vespers  of  Our  Lady  of  the  Rosary]  Tuesday,  8th   -     St.  Bridget  of  Sweden,  Widow,   S.  Brigittæ,  Viduæ,   Missa  'Cognóvi  Dómine',    3rd   Class,   White   [Gloria;  Common   Preface;  Commemoration:  SS. Sergius,  Bacchus,  Marcellus  and  Apuleius,  Martyrs] Wednesday,  9th -     St.  John  Leonardi,   Confessor,  S.  Ioannis  Leonardi,  Confessoris,   Missa  'In  Sermónibus  Dómini',    3rd   Class,   White   [Gloria;  Common   Preface;  Commemoration:  SS.   Denis,  Bishop,  Rusticius  and  Eleutherius,  Martyrs] Thursday, 

Monday Mass Edition - Our Lady of the Rosary - Missa 'Gaudeámus Omnes' - Commemoration: St. Mark, Pope and Confessor - October 7th, 2024

†         Our  Lady  of  the  Rosary,   Festum   Beatæ   Mariæ  Virginis  a  Rosario,   Missa  'Gaudeámus  Omnes',  Commemoration:  St.  Mark,  Pope  and  Confessor - October 7th, 2024 - Propers †         Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - September 30th, 2024 to October 6th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week  | Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost L ITURGICAL Sermonry >> Our Lady of the Rosary Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >> The Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary The +Ecu-Men+ >> October 7 – Feast of the Most Holy Rosary The +Ecu-Men+ >> October 7 – St Mark, Pope & Confessor AND Ss Ergius, Bacchus, Marcellus, & Apuleius, Martyrs Lives of the Saints >> October 7  Our Lady of the Rosary  (Commemorating the Victory of Lepanto)  (1571) CatholicSaints.Info: Saints of the Day: 7 October Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> October 7th   B LOGS, NEWS, OPINION AND COMMENTARY A Catholic Life (Matthew) >> A C