
Eleven Star Edition: Thursday, May 29th, 2008

RORATE CAELI >> Juventutem's Sydney Launch: Countdown to WYD RORATE CAELI >> GENERAL DECREE OF THE CONGREGATION FOR THE DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH: Automatic excommunication for "ordination" of women The New Liturgical Movement >> Sacred Heart at Mater Ecclesiae

Visitors ask...What is S.O.L.T.? Does it have the Latin Mass?

One great thing about having a blog "metered" is that you can tell what people are searching for. One perennial is the term, "S.O.L.T." which you may have seen after the name of Fr. John Corapi, the famous and moving speaker. S.O.L.T. stands for " Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity ." The S.O.L.T. website defines its apostolate and includes both Lay and Consecrated Members . The mission of its apostolates is defined here . Priests of S.O.L.T. are "Shepherds after my own heart ." The Formation program is described here , and the General Priest Council is shown here . The Society is not defined by the TLM Mass, although it is quite possible that some priests celebrate the Extraordinary Form. If you are interested, please contact them!

Visitors do you pronounce "Padua"?

The visitors log contained an inquiry on how to pronounce the geographical name, Padua? The Merriam-Webster online dictionary gives two variants . I have always used the first, anglicized variation. The second is the Italian pronunciation. You can hear both pronounced and compare.

Afternoon Roundup - Thursday, May 29th, 2008 >> Return of Latin Mass fills church WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: What is really needed to be able to celebrate the TLM? (a long post to priests on what to do when you are tied in knots...) WDTPRS >> Wonder what "schism" is? There is a good example in St. Louis. The New Liturgical Movement >> Thomas Aquinas Chapel Update (Duncan Stroik) The Peaceful Revolution of Vietnam's Catholics

Sandro Magister has an interesting article on the Church in Vietnam in the latest edition of . Here is a look at his observations: On each of these occasions, the prompting was the request for the return of land and buildings confiscated from the Church by the regime. In the north of the country, the confiscations go back to the 1950's, when the communists took power, and in the south to after 1975. And the first and most important demand concerns the building that at one time hosted the pontifical delegation in Hanoi, next to the archbishop's residence and the cathedral of St. Joseph. The building was requisitioned in 1959, and is now used as a restaurant. Last December 15, the archbishop of Hanoi, Joseph Ngô Quan Kiêt, asked for the building to be given back, and called upon the faithful to pray that justice be done. The faithful took him at his word. Since December 18, every evening, they have gathered in front of the fence outside the former nunciature, praying

Early Roundup - Thursday, May 29th, 2008

FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> United Methodism on Abortion (Paul T. Stallworth) The New Liturgical Movement >> St. Vincent de Paul, Los Angeles (beautiful!) WDTPRS >> D. of Monterey: TLM at Mission San Juan Bautista - 29 June (after an absence of FORTY years!) Traditional Latin Mass Propers in English >> Saint Mary Magdalen of Pazzi

10 Star Edition: Wednesday, May 28th, 2008

The New Liturgical Movement >> The New Site of FSSP Venetia WDTPRS >> Reviewing WDTPRS Bullet Points (take note; this is important) WDTPRS >> Mpls - St. Joan of Arc Church - I don’t even know how to label this tragic abuse WDTPRS >> Takin' it to the street (we need 100,000 of these) WDTPRS >> KCC signs blog - RIP (goodbye, old friends!)

Homeschool Alert >> Institute for Advanced Physics

I just watched a fascinating show on EWTN with a dialogue between Fr. Mitch Pacwa and Dr. Anthony Rizzi. Dr. Rizzi is from the Institute for Advanced Physics and his mission is to make science intelligible to Catholics and Christians . The Institute publishes books based on Newtonian Physics and has several books that add the "link" back to Christianity and away from the areligious theology of "scientism ." Dr. Rizzi made much of the upcoming voyage to Mars and how the calendar to be used on this mission will be based on the calendar of the French Revolution -- scientific -- as opposed to the Julian calendar of Columbus or the Gregorian calendar we know. His Institute's effort is to begin to reacquaint Christianity with the observational scientific method before the Revolution . His books bespeaks of "what we know from observation" and advances from there. He said his 6-year-old son loves to play the software games that one can obtain by pu

Decent Films Guide by Steven D. Greydanus: "Bella" (2006)

This is one of those instances where I wanted to read Steven's review "after" seeing the film. I recently bought it on DVD as soon as it was available. It came highly recommended by several close relatives and I had missed it in the theaters. Steven's review of "Bella" is here . I find that I agree substantially with him but would have given it a "bit more" for a score. As usual, Mr. Greydanus gives not only an "artistic score" but grades it for merit, spiritual value, moral value and so on. Bella is " bella !"

Charlotte Was Both: Catholic Summer Reading

This blog's favorite "search string" is for the Catholic Lifetime Reading list published by Fr. McCloskey . I am very happy that Amy Wellborn of Charlotte was Both has posted a link to the Catholic Summer Reading list . The list is excellent! I am a bibliophile. I have stacks of books yet unread and still find that I cannot pass up more orders to Amazon. Walking past a bookstore without a purchase seems almost inconceivable to me. The ten best bets on Amy's list are great "summer reads ." The entire list of 64 has some incredible books to consider . Amy has done a great service for all of us by calling attention to this program. Please check out this list of great reading and sign up for future editions.

Afternoon Roundup - Wednesday, May 28th, 2008

The New Liturgical Movement >> Chant for Children Whispers in the Loggia >> "The Sense of Liberation " (this is a deeply moving story from Rocco Palmo; don't miss it)

Catholic World News: English Church forced to drop adoption services posted this story today from England . It reads in part: The dioceses of Southwark, Portsmouth, and Arundel and Brighton have agreed to end their affiliation with the Catholic Children's Society. The group will be renamed Cabrini Children’s Society. The Mail predicted that other dioceses would soon follow suit, while some Catholic agencies vowed a court battle to protect their right to continue offering adoption services without compromising their Catholic identity. Read more here .