
WDTPRS: The Westminster TLM: sign of a “cultural revolution”

Father John Zuhlsdorf has found yet another source which seems to emphasize the "seismic shift" that Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos' comments to four reporters have had in many locations. In this post today, he comments about the "buzz" that was created by the comments of the Head of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei . It is a MUST READ. The "power of silence" indeed is powerful!

Charlotte Was Both: Livestreaming the (Eucharistic) Congress

Amy Wellborn has the link here for the livestream from the Eucharistic Congress . At first, I thought she was linking to the US Congress (kind of a Catholic version of C-Span)!

Decent Films Guide by Steven D. Greydanus: "The Incredible Hulk" (2008)

Steven reviews another "superhero film" that has just opened, "The Incredible Hulk ." As always, his review is both interesting and informative. Parents will welcome his comments and his overall take on the film and his perspective. Note that Mr. Greydanus always includes his standard grades on Artistic-Entertainment, Moral-Spiritual Value and Age Appropriateness with a link to reviews from the USCCB. A Brief Catechism for Catholic Voters from EWTN

Catholic Citizens of Illinois posts a brief Catechism for voters written by Fr. Stephen F. Torraco, PhD . Fr. Torraco posts in a "question-answer" format that makes comprehension easy. Here is a brief example: 4. If I have strong feelings or opinions in favor of a particular candidate, even if he is pro-abortion, why may I not vote for him? As explained in question 1 above, neither your feelings nor your opinions are identical with your conscience. Neither your feelings nor your opinions can take the place of your conscience. Your feelings and opinions should be governed by your conscience. If the candidate about whom you have strong feelings or opinions is pro-abortion, then your feelings and opinions need to be corrected by your correctly informed conscience, which would tell you that it is wrong for you to allow your feelings and opinions to give lesser weight to the fact that the candidate supports a moral evil. This is essential moral theology and worth reading . I&

Early Roundup - Monday, June 16th, 2008

The Black Biretta >> traduttore tradittore (Padre Trigilio posts a "must read" relating to the Roman Missal liturgical translation issue) LatinMassNetwork >> St. John Francis Regis The New Liturgical Movement >> Images from the Toronto Oratory Ordination. Archbishop Collins celebrates Ad Orientem (Shawn Tribe) FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> How to Think about the Responsibility to Protect [Susan Yoshihara leads the International Organizations Research Group at Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute (C-FAM)]

NLM: More from Toronto

Shawn Tribe has additional great news from Toronto. In a post tonight entitled, "More from Toronto: Archbishop celebrates Oratorian Mass of Ordination in Latin, Ad Orientem ," he describes even more "reform of the reform." He has a link to an article in the

Evening Roundup - Sunday, June 15th, 2008

D.C. Catholic >> D.C. Catholic Signing Off (farewell, friend!) The Black Biretta >> HAPPY FATHER'S DAY (Fr. Trigilio directs this to his brother priests!) The New Liturgical Movement >> Official Photographs from the Mass at Westminster Cathedral of Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos (Shawn Tribe) The New Liturgical Movement >> Silly Songs With Father (Jeffrey Tucker)