
Visitors ask...Mass Times for Marytown, Illinois (Militia of the Immaculata)

The Franciscan Shrine of Marytown, Illinois, the National Headquarters of the Militia of the Immaculata , and the Shrine of St. Maximilian Kolbe, is actually located in Libertyville, IL. The link is here . Masses are listed as follows: Weekend : Sat. 7:30 AM , 8:00 AM , 11:45 AM, 12 Noon; Sun. 8:00 AM, 8:30 AM, 7:00 PM Weekday (Mon thru Fri): 7:00 AM, 7:30 AM, 11:45 AM, 12 Noon, 3:00 PM, 5:00 PM Adoration: 24 hours per day Rosary: Daily, 7:00 PM 1600 W. Park Avenue, Libertyville, Illinois 6048

Visitors ask...a Dominican Mass or Parish in Maryland?

The search index has now turned to the "Dominicans." It is not widely known in Maryland that the Dominican Priory of the Immaculate Conception is located in Washington, D.C . This link shows the Liturgical Horarium during the school year . The Dominican life is summarized here , and the Friars and Brothers in residence are listed here . If you wish to attend the Sunday Mass, I'd call ahead. The Third Order or Lay Dominicans consists of Chapters and this link shows you where to find a local Chapter of the Dominican Province of St. Joseph (Eastern U.S.). Region 5 constitutes D.C., Maryland and Virginia. The Pope Pius V Pro-Chapter mentioned once before has a website here . Here is a link to the Dominican Liturgy . I am not certain this is celebrated at the Priory routinely. Fr. Thompson, O.P., is on the blog team at The New Liturgical Movement and publicizes when a special Mass will be celebrated. His link is located in the Right Menu . Hope this help

The Pauline Year Begins, June 28th, 2008

Charlotte was Both >> Anno Paolinis (Amy Wellborn provides an indispensable set of links for this year... don't miss this post !) WDTPRS >> Holy See’s Decree for Plenary Indulgences during Pauline Year (Fr. Zuhlsdorf posts the "spiritual benefits") RORATE CAELI >> Loved by Christ (New Catholic) Catholic News Agency >> Pauline Year ( the new "Pauline Year Website" ...linked to the right menu!)

Early Afternoon Roundup - Saturday, June 28th, 2008

Shouts in the Piazza >> Pauline Year Begins The New Liturgical Movement >> Solemn Vespers for the Inauguration of the Pauline Year (Shawn Tribe; photo intense) CNA >> Web site dedicated to the Pauline Year being launched by CNA

WDTPRS >> Bp. Fellay interview by Radio Svizzera: didn’t totally reject the Conditions

As I said earlier, I was awaiting an analysis from Fr. Zuhlsdorf on what is (or may be) happening . His line of thought puts certain things into a more informed context. The comments also shed more light on the situation. The truth is, only those involved (the Holy Father who received the letter, Cardinal Castrillon who has probably been in negotiations with Bishop Fellay and Bishop Fellay himself) know what is going on totally and how things might progress. I continue to pray for a resolution. This appeared to be a great gesture by His Holiness and I pray it bears fruit!

NLM: Fellay speaks to the June 28th Deadline and Response today on Public Radio

Shawn Tribe reports on the "find" by Rorate Caeli today in The New Liturgical Movement . I am hoping that Fr. Zuhlsdorf can clarify some of this report today.

Visitors ask...Readings (English) for the Latin Mass (daily)

I have answered this question in other locations, but it is worth repeating. To my knowledge, there is no site that has all the Latin (plus English translations) of the Propers for Sundays and the daily TLM online that accords with the Missal of Pope John XXIII. The closest thing one can find is the Tridentine Latin Rite Missal Project which is the Herculean task of one man! Even that will need to be revised due to the Motu Proprio and its requirements. Some of the postings are out of date which explains why some events of Holy Week weren't posted here. An alternative is a good missal; Baronius and several other companies now sell them. They are usually called " Motu Proprio " editions (I believe EWTN now has one on its webpage). The final option, and it is a good one, is the Traditional Latin Mass Propers in English . This is the daily work of a Catholic Deacon who has even created a widget with the readings. Here is the Mass for today, the Feast of St. Ire

Early Roundup - Saturday, June 28th, 2008 - Feast of Saint Irenaeus >> "The Pope Does Not Put on Prada, but Christ" (a marvelous article by Sandro Magister) The New Liturgical Movement >> Magister on the Marini Interview (Gregor Kollmorgen comments on the article above) Creative Minority Report >> Doomed! Big Fireball. Doomed. (putative apocalyptic visions ascribed to the Blessed Virgin to Gianna Talone-Sullivan ) LatinMassNetwork >> St. Irenaeus

Catholic World News: The Forum: What next for the Vatican-SSPX talks?

Phil Lawler of Catholic World News posts a very good roundup of where things now stand as far as anyone can determine who is not on the "inside ." Personally, I have not stopped praying that the request of the Holy Father for normalization will occur. I am presuming the time-honored maxim whether accurate or not: "those who know aren't speaking, and those who are speaking don't really know." May God grant us reconciliation, and may Bishop Fellay respond in a favorable way to a simple request from the Vicar of Christ.

Evening Roundup - Friday, June 27th, 2008

WDTPRS >> Anglican Bishop(s) - swimming? WDTPRS >> 2001 - Bp. Fellay: “If he calls me, I go. ” Whispers in the Loggia >> The Year of Paul Whispers in the Loggia >> Hermann Holds the Arch

What Does the Prayer Really Say: On the SSPX Situation

WDTPRS >> AFP: Lefebvrites - no intention of “responding” to Vatican ultimatum WDTPRS >> Thoughts on the SSPX opportunity

3:00 - The Hour of Divine Mercy, Friday, June 27th, 2008

WDTPRS >> Musings of excomm'd SSPX Bp. Williamson WDTPRS >> PRAY! PRAY NOW! - 3 Standing on My Head >> Anglicans in Agony LatinMassNetwork >> Britain to Create First Parish for the Traditional Latin Mass