TLM Mass Coming to Lancaster, PA

I previously reported that the TLM was returning to Lancaster, PA per the LatinMassNetwork. I received an email this morning with full details so I am disclosing them here.

Thanks and a hat tip, J.!

Great News: the ancient Mass is returning to beautiful SE
Pennsylvania..."the Dutch Country":

The traditional Latin Mass will return to Saint Anthony's Catholic Church in Lancaster, PA on Saturday, May 24 2008 @ 5:45 p.m. Father Parrinello of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter will offer the Mass. The Te Deum Laudamus Schola will sing the Gregorian propers and ordinary. For additional details please contact Mr. Erick Wittemann at: mwittemann1 "at" earthlink "dot" net.

Diocese of Harrisburg
Bishop Kevin Rhoades

Mass Time 5:45 p.m. (High Mass) Saturday evening Starting May 24, 2008
Saint Anthony of Padua Catholic Church
501 East Orange Street
Lancaster, PA 17602
phone (717) 394-0669
email P052StAnthony "at" hbgdiocese "dot" org
Father Mitzel, pastor

Father Frank Parrinello, FSSP celebrant
