Catholic Review Online: Once upon a sweatshirt

H.E. Archbishop Edwin O'Brien posts his weekly article on the Catholic Review Online in his "Thoughts on Our Church" column. Here is some of the article and referring to the words of the Holy Father:

As Catholics: “let your light shine …” – “participate in the exchange of ideas in the public square, helping to shape cultural attitudes.” He referred to the scandal created by Catholics who would “promote an alleged right of abortion.” He cited the “false dichotomy between faith and political life” and the obligation of all to respect “the most defenseless of all human beings, the unborn child in the mother’s womb.”

As Americans: be reminded that the gift of freedom is “also a summons to personal responsibility.” Just as our first president insisted “that religion and morality represent ‘indispensible supports’ of political prosperity,” so did our last Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, counsel that “a democracy without values can lose its very soul.” And several times he referenced America’s basic belief in human dignity and equality “grounded in the Creator’s laws.”

On page 3 of this week’s Catholic Review, you will read of Pope Benedict’s remarkably personal and almost ebullient reflections on his American visit, delivered soon after his return to Rome. He spoke of feeling “the support of all the Church” for his ministry while here.
Read the entire article here.
