Votive Mass for Peace: Missa 'Da Pacem' - Latin Propers

Votive Mass for Peace - Missa 'Da Pacem'
2nd Class


INTROIT (Ecclus. 36. 18)

Da pacem, Dómine, sustinéntibus te, ut prophétæ tui fidéles inveniántur: exáudi preces servi tui et plebis tuæ Israël. Ps 121:1 Lætátus sum in his, quæ dicta sunt mihi: in domum Dómini íbimus. Glória Patri ...-- Da pacem

Give peace, O Lord, to them that patiently wait for Thee, that Thy Prophets may be found faithful: hear the prayers of Thy servant, and of Thy people Israel. Ps. 121.1 I rejoiced at the things that were said to me: we shall go into the house of the Lord. Glory be to the Father ... Give peace ...



Deus, a quo sancta desidéria, recta consília, et justa sunt ópera: da servis tuis illam, quam mundus dare non potest, pacem; ut et corda nostra mandátis tuis dédita, et hóstium subláta formídine, témpora sint tua protectióne tranquílla. Per Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum Fílium tuum, qui tecum vivit ...

O God, from whom are holy desires, right counsels, and just works; give to Thy servants that which the world cannot give; that both, our hearts may be disposed to obey Thy commandments, and also, the fear of enemies being removed, our times, by Thy protection, may be peaceful. Through our Lord Jesus Christ ...


From the Second Book of Machabees, 1. 1-5.

Fratribus qui sunt per Ægyptum, Judæis, salútem dicunt fratres qui sunt in Jerosólymis, Judæi, et qui in regióne Judææ, et pacem bonam. Benefaciat vobis Deus, et memínerit testaménti sui quod locútus est ad Abraham, et Isaac, et Jacob servórum suórum Fidélium: et det vobis cor ómnibus, ut colátis eum, et faciátis ejus voluntátem corde magno, et ánimo volénti. Adapériat cor vestrum in lege sua, et in præcéptis suis, et fáciat pacem. Exáudiat oratiónes vestras, et reconciliétur vobis, nec vos déserat in témpore malo, Dóminus Deus noster.

To the brethern the Jews that are throughout Egypt, the brethern the Jews that are in Jerusalem, and in the land of Judea, send health, and good peace. May God be gracious to you, and remember His covenant that He made with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, his faithful servants; and give you all a heart to worship Him, and to do His will with a great heart and a willing mind. May He open your heart in His law and in His commandments and send you peace. May the Lord our God hear your prayers and be reconciled unto you, and never forsake you in the evil time.


GRADUAL (Ps. 221. 6-7)

Rogate quæ ad pacem sunt Jerúsalem: et abundántia diligéntibus te. Fiat pax in virtúte tua et abundántia in túrribus tuis.
Allelúia, allelúia. Lauda Jerúsalem, Dóminum: lauda Deum tuum, Sion. Allelúia.

Pray ye for the things that are for the peace of Jerusalem: and abundance for them that love Thee. Let peace be in Thy strength: and abundance in thy towers.
Allelúia, allelúia. (Ps. 147.12). Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem: praise thy God, O Sion. Allelúia.

After Septuagesima the Alleluia and the V. Lauda ... are omitted and the following is said:


TRACT (Ps. 75. 2-4)

Motus in Judæa Deus, in Israel magnum nomen ejus. Et factus est in pace locus ejus, et habitátio ejus in Sion. Ibi confrégit poténtias árcuum, scutum, gládium et bellum.

In Judea God is known; His Name is great in Israel. And His place is in peace: and His abode in Sion. There hath He broken the powers of bows, the shield, the sword and the battle.

During Eastertide the Gradual is omitted and the following Allelúia is said;



Allelúia, allelúia. Lauda Jerúsalem, Dóminum: lauda Deum tuum, Sion. Allelúia. Qui pósuit fines tuos pacem: et ádipe fruménti sátiat te. Allelúia.

Allelúia, allelúia. (Ps. 72. 12). Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem: praise thy God, O Sion. Allelúia. (Ps. ibid. 14). Who hath placed peace in thy borders: and filleth thee with the fat of corn. Allelúia.


Continuation of the holy Gospel according to
St John, 20. 19-31.

In illo témpore: Cum sero esset die illo, una sabbatórum, et fores essent clausæ, ubi erant discípuli congregáti propter metum Judæórum: venit Jesus, et stetit in médio, et dixit eis: Pax vobis. Et cum hoc dixísset, osténdit eis manus et latus. Gavísi sunt ergo discípuli, viso Dómino. Dixit ergo eis íterum: Pax vobis. Sicut misit me Pater, et ego mitto vos. Hæc cum dixísset, insufflávit, et dixit eis: Accípite Spíritum Sanctum: quorum remiseritis peccáta, remittúntur eis; et quorum retinuéritis, reténta sunt. Thomas autem unus ex duódecim, qui dícitur Dídymus, non erat cum eis, quando venit Jesus. Dixérunt ergo ei alii discípuli: Vídimus Dóminum. Ille autem dixit eis: Nisi vídero in mánibus ejus fixúram clavórum, et mittam dígitum meum in locum clavórum, et mittam manum meam in latus ejus, non credam. Et post dies octo, íterum erant discípuli ejus intus, et Thomas cum eis. Venit Jesus, jánuis clausis, et stetit in médio, et dixit: Pax vobis. Deinde dicit Thomæ: Infer dígitum tuum huc et vide manus meas, et affer manum tuam et mitte in latus meum: et noli esse incrédulus, sed fidélis. Respóndit Thomas et dixit ei: Dóminus meus et Deus meus. Dixit ei Jesus: Quia vidísti me, Thoma, credidísti: beáti, qui non vidérunt, et credidérunt. Multa quidem et alia signa fecit Jesus in conspéctu discipulórum suórum, quæ non sunt scripta in libro hoc. Hæc autem scripta sunt, ut credátis, quia Jesus est Christus, Fílius Dei: et ut credéntes vitam habeátis in nómine ejus.

At that time, when it was late that same day, the first of the week, and the doors were shut, where the disciples were gathered together for fear of the Jews, Jesus came, and stood in the midst and said to them: Peace be to you. And when He had said this, He showed them His hands and His side. The disciples therefore were glad, when they saw the Lord. He said therefore to them again: Peace be to you. As the Father hath sent Me, I also send you. When He had said this, He breathed on them, and He said to them: Receive ye the Holy Ghost: whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them: and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained. Now Thomas, one of the Twelve, who is called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples therefore said to him: We have seen the Lord. But he said to them: Except I shall see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the place of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe. And after eight days, again His disciples were within, and Thomas with them. Jesus cometh, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said: Peace be to you. Then He saith to Thomas: Put in thy finger hither, and see My hands, and bring hither thy hand, and put into My side; and be not faithless, but believing. Thomas answered and said to Him: my Lord and my God. Jesus saith to him: Because thou hast seen Me, Thomas, thou hast believed; blessed are they that have not seen, and have believed. Many other signs also did Jesus in the sight of His disciples, which are not written in this book. But these are written, that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that, believing, you may have life in His Name.


OFFERTORY (Ps. 134.3,6)

Laudáte Dóminum, quia benígnus est: psállite nómini ejus, quóniam suávis est: ómnia quæcúmque vóluit, fecit in cœlo, et in terra.

Praise ye the Lord, for He is good: sing ye to His Name, for He is sweet; whatsoever He pleased, He hath done in heaven and in earth.



Deus, qui credéntes in te pópulos nullis sinis cóncuti terróribus: dignáre preces et hóstias dicátæ tibi plebis suscípere: ut pax a tua pietáte concéssa, christianórum fines ab omni hoste fáciat esse secúros. Per Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum Fílium tuum ...

O God, who suffered not the nations who believe in Thee to be overwhelmed by any peril; vouchsafe to receive the prayers and offerings of Thy servants, that, in Thy mercy Thou mayest grant peace to Christendom and make it secure against every enemy. Through our Lord ...


Common Preface

Vere dignum et justum est, æquum et salutáre, nos tibi semper et ubíque grátias agere: Dómine sancte, Pater omnípotens, ætérne Deus: per Christum, Dóminum nostrum. Per quem majestátem tuam laudant Angeli, adórant Dominatiónes, tremunt Potestátes. Coeli coelorúmque Virtútes ac beáta Séraphim sócia exsultatióne concélebrant. Cum quibus et nostras voces ut admitti jubeas, deprecámur, súpplici confessione dicéntes:

It it truly meet and just, right and for our salvation, that we should at all times, and in all places, give thanks unto Thee, O holy Lord, Father almighty, everlasting God, through Christ our Lord. Through whom the Angels praise Thy Majesty, the Dominations worship it, the Powers stand in awe. The heavens and the heavenly hosts together with the blessed Seraphim in triumphant chorus unite to celebrate it. Together with them, we entreat Thee, that Thou mayest bid our voices also to be admitted, while we say in lowly praise:


COMMUNION (John 14.27)

Pacem relínquo vobis: pacem meam do vobis, dicit Dóminus.

Peace I leave with you: My peace I give unto you, saith the Lord.



Deus, auctor pacis et amátor, quem nosse vívere, cui servíre regnáre est: prótege ab ómnibus impugnatiónibus súpplices tuos: ut qui in defensióne tua confídimus, nullíus hostilitátis arma timeámus. Per Dóminum ...

O God, the author and lover of peace, to know whom is to live, to serve whom is to reign; shield Thy suppliant people from all assaults, so that we who trust in Thy protection may fear no foe. Through our Lord ...


Portions of the Proper for this Mass were transcribed from the excellent Baronius Daily Missal, Summorum Pontificum edition, with the express permission of Baronius Press, Ltd. The Baronius Daily Missal can be obtained at this location.
