Sunday News Roundup - Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudéte Sunday) AND Feria of Advent | Our Lady of Guadalupe - December 11th & 12th, 2022

†     Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudéte Sunday), Dominica Tertia Adventus, Missa 'Gaudéte' - December 11th, 2022 - Propers

†     Feria of Advent, Feria Secunda infra Hebdomadam III Adventus,  Missa 'Gaudéte' - December 12th, 2022 - Propers

†     USA: Our Lady of Guadalupe,  Beatæ Mariæ Virginis de Guadalupe, Missa 'Salve Sancta Parens'Commemoration: Feria of Advent - December 12th, 2022 - Propers

†     TLM Advent and Christmas Mass Schedule Clearinghouse - December, 2022  Updates

†     Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - December 12th, 2022 to December 18th, 2022 - Propers for the Week  | Advent Ember Days | Fourth Sunday of Advent (Roráte Sunday)
