Early Weekend Mass Edition - St. Hilary, Bishop, Confessor & Doctor AND Second Sunday after the Epiphany - January 14th & 15th, 2023

†     St. Hilary, Bishop, Confessor and Doctor, S. Hilarii Episcopi Confessoris Ecclesiæ Doctoris, Missa 'In Médio Ecclésiæ', Commemoration: St. Felix of Nola, Confessor & Martyr - January 14th, 2023 - Propers

†     Second Sunday after the Epiphany,  Dominica Secunda post Epiphaniam,  Missa 'Omnis Terra Adóret' - January 15th, 2023 - Propers

†     Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - January 9th, 2023 to January 15th, 2023 - Propers for the Week  | Second Sunday after Epiphany
