Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - November 6th to November 12th, 2023 - Propers for the Week | Resumed Fifth Sunday After Epiphany

- Monday, 6th - Feria, Feria Secunda infra Hebdomadam XXIII post Octavam Pentecostes, Missa 'Dicit Dóminus', 4th Class, Green [Common Preface]
- Monday, 6th - Daily Mass for the Dead, In Commemoratióne Ómnium Fidélium Defunctórum, Missa 'Réquiem Ætérnam', 3rd Class, Black [Preface for the Dead]
- Tuesday, 7th - Feria, Feria Tertia infra Hebdomadam XXIII post Octavam Pentecostes, Missa 'Dicit Dóminus', 4th Class, Green [Common Preface]
- Tuesday, 7th - Daily Mass for the Dead, In Commemoratióne Ómnium Fidélium Defunctórum, Missa 'Réquiem Ætérnam', 3rd Class, Black [Preface for the Dead]
- Wednesday, 8th - Feria, Feria Quarta infra Hebdomadam XXIII post Octavam Pentecostes, Missa 'Dicit Dóminus', 4th Class, Green [Common Preface; Commemoration: Four Holy Crowned Martyrs]
- Wednesday, 8th - Daily Mass for the Dead, In Commemoratióne Ómnium Fidélium Defunctórum, Missa 'Réquiem Ætérnam', 3rd Class, Black [Preface for the Dead]
- Wednesday, 8th - Four Holy Crowned Martyrs, Ss. Quatuor Coronatorum Martyrum, Missa 'Intret In Conspéctu', 4th Class, Red [Gloria; Common Preface]
- Thursday, 9th - The Dedication of the Archbasilica of Our Holy Savior (St. John Lateran), In Dedicatione Basilicæ Ss. Salvatoris, Missa 'Terribilis', 2nd Class, White [Gloria & Creed; Common Preface or Preface for Dedication of a Church; Commemoration: St. Theodore, Martyr; 2nd Vespers of Dedication of the Archbasilica of Our Holy Savior]
- Friday, 10th - St. Andrew Avellino, Confessor, S. Andreæ Avellini Confessoris, Missa 'Os Iusti', 3rd Class, White [Gloria; Common Preface; Commemoration: SS. Tryphonis and Respicius, Martyrs, and St. Nympha, Virgin and Martyr]
- Saturday, 11th - St. Martin of Tours, Bishop and Confessor, S. Martini Episcopi et Confessoris , Missa 'Státuit', 3rd Class, White [Gloria; Common Preface; Commemoration: St. Mennas, Martyr; 1st Vespers of Resumed 5th Sunday after Epiphany]
- Sunday, 12th - Resumed Fifth Sunday After Epiphany, Dominica Quinta Quæ Superfuit Post Epiphaniam, Missa 'Dicit Dóminus', 2nd Class, Green [Gloria & Creed; Preface of the Holy Trinity; 2nd Vespers of the Resumed 5th Sunday after Epiphany]
H/T: Ordo of the F.S.S.P., 2023
LiveMass.Org (Live & Recorded TLM Masses)
FSSP Ordo for the 2023 Liturgical Year
Usus Antiquior - Calendar for the 2023 Liturgical Year
Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version (DivinumOfficium.Com, 11-6-2023 through 11-12-2023)
Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin, PDF Format (Click Here; MaternalHeart.Org)
Resources for the Extraordinary Form of the Mass (; Traditional Latin Mass)
The Saint John Fisher Missale (PDF Format) - Complete versions (British emphasis)
Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version (Introibo ad altare Dei.Fr, Latin/Français)
Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version Latin/English (RosaryChurch.Net)
Basics 101 - How to search this blog!
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