Thursday Mass Edition - Feria OR Commemoration of All Holy Popes OR Jesus Christ the High Priest - July 4th, 2024 #USAIndependenceDay

†         Feria,   Feria  Quinta  infra  Hebdomadam  VI  post  Octavam  Pentecostes,   Missa  'Dóminus  Fortitudo' - July 4th, 2024 - Propers  

†         Commemoration  of  All  Holy  Popes,  In  Commemoratione  Omnium  Ss.  Summorum  Pontificum,   Missa  'Congregáte  Illi' - July 4th, 2024 - Propers

†         Jesus  Christ  the  High  Priest,  Missa  de  D.  N.  Iesu  Christo  Summo  et Æterno  Sacerdote,   Missa  'Iuravit  Dóminus' - July 4th, 2024 - Propers

† (Live & Recorded Daily TLM Masses)

†         Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - July 1st, 2024 to July 7th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week | The Most Precious Blood | The Visitation | Seventh Sunday after  Pentecost
