Tuesday Mass Edition - Feria - Missa 'Cum Clamárem' OR SS. Abdon and Sennen, Martyrs - Missa 'Intret In Conspéctu' - July 30th, 2024

†         Feria,  Feria  Tertia  infra  Hebdomadam  X  post  Octavam  Pentecostes, Missa  'Cum  Clamárem', Commemoration: SS.  Abdon and  Sennen,  Martyrs - July 30th, 2024 - Propers

†         SS.  Abdon  and  Sennen,  Martyrs,  Ss.  Abdon  et  Sennen,  Martyrum,  Missa  'Intret  In  Conspéctu' - July 30th, 2024 - Propers

†         LiveMass.net (Live & Recorded Daily TLM Masses)

†         Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - July 29th, 2024 to August 4th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week | 11th Sunday after Pentecost
