
Showing posts with the label Archbishop Edwin O'Brien

Evening Roundup - Monday, August 4th, 2008

WDTPRS >> TLM Expansion in Mexico (Archbishop of Mexico City invites in F.S.S.P.) The New Liturgical Movement >> New Regular Mass in the Ambrosian Usus Antiquior to Be Established (Gregor Kollmorgen; Archdiocese of Milan) The Catholic Review Online: Thoughts on Our Church >> A Wonderful and Wonderfully Catholic Church (H.E. Archbishop Edwin O'Brien on the Pilgrimage to WYD to Sydney)

Catholic Review Online: Pope Benedict presents pallium to Archbishop O’Brien

George P. Matysek, Jr. has this feature on the imposition of the pallium on Archbishop Edwin O'Brien yesterday . His Excellency was pleased by the large delegation from Baltimore present in Rome.

Catholic Review Online: Archbishop O'Brien Receives the Pallium

The Catholic Review Online has established a link to a special section with exclusive updates on the installation of the pallium for Archbishop Edwin O'Brien . The link to this coverage is here , and is being written by George P. Matysek, Jr. Videos are also linked to this special subsectio n .

The Catholic Review Online: The Yoke That Binds

His Excellency Archbishop Edwin O'Brien is surely off to Rome very soon as he anticipates the conferral of the pallium on Sunday, the 29th of June, the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul. In his column this week, Thoughts on Our Church , he describes the experience to come . The metropolitan archbishop is entitled to wear the pallium only within the territory of his province. The Pope alone wears it everywhere as a sign of his universal jurisdiction. Incidentally, the pallium worn by Pope Benedict XVI is now different from the pallium he confers on Sunday. His pallium is similar to the ancient, longer and broader style seen in mosaics of the early Church. Gratefully, I am accompanied by more than 100 friends from Baltimore and from among the faithful representing my prior places of ministry. I pray it will be a holy pilgrimage for all who take part. What a graphic reminder of the unity tha

CNA: First Mass of Pauline Year to be ecumenical; Pope to give palliums to 43 archbishops

The Catholic News Agency is reporting that the first Mass of the Pauline year beginning June 29th will be ecumenical with Patriarch Bartholomew I participating . Bartholomew I and the Holy Father will deliver the homily, recite the profession of faith and impart the final blessing. The Pontiff will concelebrate with the new Catholic metropolitan archbishops, upon whom he will impose the pallium. Among the 43 archbishops receiving palliums are: Most Rev. Frederick Edwin O'Brien, archbishop of Baltimore ; Most Rev. Thomas John Rhodes, archbishop of Mobile; Most Rev. John Clayton Nienstedt, archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis; Most Rev. Anthony Mancini, archbishop of Halifax, Canada; Most Rev. William Martin Currie, archbishop of Saint John's, Newfoundland, Canada. Read the story here .

Eleven Star Edition: Thursday, June 12, 2008

Charlotte was Both >> Interviewing the Archbishop (a post linking an interview by John Allen with H.E. Archbishop Edwin O'Brien which is linked immediately below) >> Baltimore archbishop demands greater accountability from religious order (John Allen of the NCR has an in-depth interview with the Archbishop on the LC & RC issue) Catholic Review Online >> Hopefully, A meeting of the Minds (posted in the " Thoughts on Our Church " column of June 10th by the Archbishop himself on the LC and linked below earlier today) The New Liturgical Review >> Another Sanctuary and Altar begins the process of re-enchantment and re-orientation (Shawn Tribe)

Catholic Review Online: Hopefully, A Meeting of Minds

Each week, H.E. Archbishop O'Brien posts a column called " Thoughts on Our Church " in the Catholic Review. The column always deals with a variety of topical subjects and is posted as a link from this blog when possible (electrical storms notwithstanding!). This week, in a column dated June 10th, His Excellency discusses with us"apostolic movements ": A celebrated and most valuable outgrowth of the Second Vatican Council has been the rise in the number of “apostolic movements” that have sprung up in the Church under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Each centered in a unique spirituality, these movements nourish strongly committed laity with the teachings and sacraments of the Church, thus enabling them to carry out their vocation “to seek the kingdom of God by engaging in tempered affairs and directing them according to God’s will” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 898). Cursillo, Marriage Encounter, Communion and Liberation, Opus Dei and Focolare are s

Charlotte Was Both: Accountability

Amy Wellborn has posted a story on her blog, Charlotte was Both , on the Legionaries of Christ which arises from the Archdiocese of Baltimore . In particular, the story arises from actions taken by H.E. Archbishop Edwin O'Brien. The Archbishop sent a letter to the Superior General of the Legionaries (dated June 6th) with very specific requests. The letter is on the Archdiocesan website in PDF format . The story has also been picked up by Rocco Palmo of Whispers in the Loggia in his post, "In Premier See, Legion Gets Premier Scrutiny ." To quote Mr. Palmo, After meeting with the Legion's superior-general last Friday, O'Brien sent letters to his priests and the LC head, Fr Álvaro Corcuera Martinez del Rio, detailing the new policy, which was formulated after consultations both with the archdiocese's presbyteral council and the Holy See. There is sure to be more on this story . See update posted June 12, 2008 above .

Catholic Review Online: Marriage … the beginning of the end?

H.E. Archbishop Edwin O'Brien, Archbishop of Baltimore, has posted his weekly article to his column , " Thoughts on Our Church ." This is just a brief look at what he has to say: Each year at the conclusion of the Maryland General Assembly’s 90-day session, a list of the session’s “best-sellers” – the bills most inquired about by the general public – is published by the Legislative Services Department. This session’s best-sellers include two measures which add a new term to our health and tax laws: “domestic partners.” The term refers to any two people who are not related by marriage or blood, who affirm they are in a “relationship of mutual interdependence,” and who demonstrate their interdependence by jointly renting a car, leasing an apartment, or opening a checking account. Same-sex couples can claim the designation; so can unmarried opposite-sex couples. The public’s interest in the two bills was reflected in news coverage during the General Assembly session. Pu

Visitors ask...Cathedral of Mary Our Queen, Baltimore

Visitors sometimes land here but don't realize that many of the items they are seeking are archived by Google because they are linked within the right menu in either the collection of Latin/TLM Mass locations or in the Blogroll and Favorite Websites. Such a one is the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen. The Cathedral is the major Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Baltimore . It is located near St. Mary's Seminary and not far beyond Loyola University. Here is a list of the Ministries at the Cathedral . Someone recently was seeking the Schola of Baltimore and I presume this would fit . It is a Schola for Men at the major Cathedral although there may be others of which I am unaware. As Baltimore is the home of the Baltimore Symphony, the Lyric Opera House and the Peabody Institute , I am certain there are other scholas available.

Catholic Review Online: What is God Whispering?

How does the Holy Spirit move in one's life? Well, let's take a scenario. Suppose someone, say a blogger, was watching a beautiful ordination of four priests on EWTN on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus for several hours and then decided to check out the Catholic Review Online site for the latest column by H.E. Archbishop Edwin O'Brien. There, he finds a post in " Thoughts on Our Church " about...vocations ! I'd say that would qualify as a signal! I close with a challenge from the warm and reassuring words of Pope Benedict XVI to the youth at St. Joseph’s Seminary in New York: “Friends, again I ask you, what about today? What are you seeking? What is God whispering to you? The hope that never disappoints is Jesus Christ.” The challenge to each of you, especially to parents, is the same one I made to the students and staffs of the schools. I ask you to reflect on what we can do to encourage vocations, to help our young people to hear what God is

Catholic Review Online: Governor to sign marriage bills

George P. Matysek, Jr. posted this story in the Catholic Review Online dated today on two bills--566 and 597-- which passed the Maryland Senate . His Excellency, Archbishop Edwin O'Brien, had asked the Governor of Maryland to veto these bills. Read the full story here .

Catholic Review Online: A Rosa Moment

H.E. Archbishop Edwin O'Brien writes a reflection today in his column, " Thoughts on Our Church " regarding Ordination . It is a beautiful meditation to read. Here is a short snippet: My earliest days of priesthood found me assigned – very happily – to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. For almost five years, I served as civilian chaplain to the cadets, military families and support troops there. Most Holy Trinity Chapel and the adjoining rectory are beautifully located on a bluff overlooking a turn in the lordly Hudson River. A high point of the academic year would finally arrive during June Week when cadets would be graduated and commissioned as officers. Former classes would return for reunions and many of the newly commissioned would choose to be married at the Academy. For five or six days our chapel would have wedding ceremonies (not Masses) throughout the day every half-hour. As you would expect for West Point, the brief rite began on time and would be cond

Catholic Review Online: Once upon a sweatshirt

H.E. Archbishop Edwin O'Brien posts his weekly article on the Catholic Review Online in his " Thoughts on Our Church " column . Here is some of the article and referring to the words of the Holy Father: As Catholics: “let your light shine …” – “participate in the exchange of ideas in the public square, helping to shape cultural attitudes.” He referred to the scandal created by Catholics who would “promote an alleged right of abortion.” He cited the “false dichotomy between faith and political life” and the obligation of all to respect “the most defenseless of all human beings, the unborn child in the mother’s womb.” As Americans: be reminded that the gift of freedom is “also a summons to personal responsibility.” Just as our first president insisted “that religion and morality represent ‘indispensible supports’ of political prosperity,” so did our last Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, counsel that “a democracy without values can lose its very soul.” And several times he

The Mountain Echo: FOCUS missionaries coming to campus

Katie Sechrist of Mount Saint Mary's reported April 30th in " The Mountain Echo " that FOCUS is coming to campus this coming Fall . Here is a snippet from Katie's article: "FOCUS will be coming at the invitation of the archbishop of Baltimore and President Powell, there is a great desire for scripture and FOCUS provides trained individuals for that, they will also reach out to others. This will supplement what Campus Ministry is doing," said Msgr. Swetland, who is the East Coast chaplain for FOCUS and will be involved with their training as well as newly appointed Chaplain and Director of Campus Ministry, Fr. Brian Nolan. In order for a team from FOCUS to come to a university, the bishop of that diocese must approve. Since there has been a transition within the diocese, one of the first things that Archbishop Edwin O'Brian did was approve for the group to come to the Mount at the request of President Powell. Please read the article linked here ! Here

Catholic Review Online: Pope’s message one of hope for U.S., Baltimore

Archbishop Edwin O'Brien posts his weekly article in the Catholic Review in "Thoughts on Our Church" to the Catholic faithful of the Archdiocese. His Excellency recalls his experiences with the Holy Father during the Papal visit. Here is a short snippet: And in the relatively few major addresses, the Holy Father proclaimed that message unmistakably to Catholics and non-Catholics alike, ever sensitive to the beliefs of others in his audiences. So densely packed with theological and spiritual insights, his addresses will have to be re-read and studied in the weeks ahead in order to mine their rich content. Equally important and meaningful as were his words, was his very presence and the intangible magnetism which drew millions to see and listen in person or through the media which offered generous coverage. Not only did we flock to see him, but he reached out with the Good Shepherd’s concern to those who might otherwise be overlooked: the victims of clergy sexual abuse,

Catholic Review Online: Discernment retreat helps youths consider the priesthood

George P. Matysek, Jr. posts a story on a discernment retreat on the Catholic Review Online this week. Here is a snip from the article: Father Gerard Francik, vocations director, said turnout at this year’s dinner was the biggest in more than a decade and probably the biggest ever. After dinner, participants gathered in the chapel to listen to priests and seminarians tell their vocation stories and answer questions about the priestly life. Archbishop O’Brien said he was attracted to the priesthood through the example of the priests of his home parish in New York. Everything revolved around the parish, he said, and it was easy to identify with priests. The archbishop said he loves every minute of his priesthood and he encouraged his audience to be open to God’s call. Read the entire story here .

Catholic Review Online: What the Holy Father could teach us

In his weekly post in " Thoughts on Our Church ," H.E. Archbishop Edwin O'Brien praises Judge Frank E. Cicone , Former Chief Judge of the Circuit Court of Baltimore County, for his unwavering " civility ." He then later discusses an editorial tribute in the New York Times in which the late William F. Buckley was praised for being " civil " in all his political discourse . The Archbishop then writes: Civility and civil discourse. Descriptions of what I think we will see in person when Pope Benedict XVI visits Washington and New York in just a few days. Read the rest here !

Catholic Review Online: From Rome and about seminarians

Each week, H.E. Archbishop Edwin O'Brien posts an article in the Catholic Review Online in his " Thoughts on Our Church " column . Today he is visiting the Pontifical North American College in Rome where he is the Chair of the Board of Governors and his thoughts are on seminarians : Another impressive and, indeed, inspiring hallmark of today’s seminarians, in Rome and in our own distinguished St. Mary’s Seminary in Roland Park and Mount St. Mary’s in Emmitsburg, is a return to a Eucharistic-centered spirituality . At NAC, all are “on deck” at 6:15 a.m. for morning prayer and 6:30 a.m. community Mass before walking a typical 25 minutes to classes across town. Come evening, one would have to be impressed by the numbers in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament during the voluntary holy hour of exposition. Many seminarians volunteer the fact that they discovered their vocation through devotion to the Blessed Sacrament in parishes where Eucharistic adoration was regularly sc

Catholic Review Online: two stories of interest

The Catholic Review is the Archdiocesan newspaper of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. The online edition carries two stories of interest : Cindy Wooden reports that the liberalization of the Tridentine Mass is bearing fruit . The story deals with the interview of Cardinal Castrillon-Hoyos to L'Osservatore Romano widely reported on traditional blogs. George P. Matysek, Jr. reports on a tour by Archbishop O'Brien through the Carroll County area . His Excellency praised the Eucharistic Adoration that is prominent at some parishes such as Saint John's in Westminster and called for an increase in religious vocations.