
Showing posts with the label Archdiocese of Baltimore

Archbishop William D. Borders, 13th Archbishop of Baltimore, Dies at 96

The official statement from the Archdiocese of Baltimore is linked here . An obituary by George P. Matysek, Jr. is linked here . Requiescat in pace!

Paschaltide I, II & III TLM Schedules - Diocese of Arlington & Archdioceses of Washington & Baltimore

I am indebted to my friend, Ken, for this list. Many of the locales are listed in the navigation bar to the immediate right with links to websites for visitors to this blog. Some additional Masses are listed in the Dioceses of Richmond & Harrisburg as well. With Lent over, all of the shifts and changes to the regular TLM schedule are also over. The only locations that have spotty schedules are the Wednesday Basilica Shrine and Thursday Georgetown Masses (so verify before traveling). Christendom’s Masses go through 13 May, restarting 23 August. Here is the current schedule of Masses in the three nearest dioceses: Traditional Latin Masses; Diocese of Arlington, Archdiocese of Washington & Archdiocese of Baltimore Mondays – 7 a.m.; Saint John’s in Front Royal, Va. 4:30 p.m. (during school year); Christ the King chapel at Christendom College in Front Royal, Va. 7:30 p.m.; Saint John’s in McLean, Va. Tuesdays – 7:30 a.m. (during school year); Christ the King chapel at Christend...

Morning - Tuesday in Holy Week - Missa 'Nos Autem' - March 30th, 2010

A Priest Life >> "On the cross Christ took upon himself the whole weight of evil " ADW Blog >> Annulments in the News – Too Many ? Ars orandi >> Collect of the Day: Tuesday in Holy Week A Trail of Flowers >> Humiliation Creative Minority Report >> Archdiocese Sues Baltimore (here is a link to the press release ) Damian Thompson >> The Pope, the judge, the paedophile priest and The New York Times First Thoughts >> Is the Health Care Law Unconstitutional ? Insight Scoop >> The Pope and His Pharisaical Attackers Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Tuesday, Holy Week: "You are my servant " New Liturgical Movement >> Stational Churches of Holy Week: Tuesday in Holy Week New Liturgical Movement >> Then Presiding Judge of Milwaukee Priest Case Speaks Reflections of a Paralytic >> The “Unrealistic” and “Oppressive” Christian Ideal Secondhand Smoke >> Global Warming Hysteria: James Lovel...

Holy Week Schedule - 2010 - Saint Alphonsus Church, Baltimore, Maryland

Holy Week Schedule - 2010 - Saint Alphonsus Church, Baltimore, Maryland March 28th - Palm Sunday 11:30 AM -Traditional Latin Mass (Blessing and distribution of palm) March 29th and 30th Confessions from 11 AM until Noon March 31st - Wednesday Confessions from 11 AM until Noon 12:10 PM -Traditional Latin Mass - Homily, "The Dying Jesus" - Msgr. Arthur Bastress April 1st - Holy Thursday Confessions from 11 AM until Noon 7:00 PM -Traditional Latin Mass and Procession to the Repository Church remains open until 9 PM April 2nd - Good Friday Confessions from 11 AM until Noon Noon until 3 PM - The Seven Last Words/3 Hours Agony 3 PM - Liturgy of the Passion, Veneration of the Cross and Communion 5 PM - Stations of the Cross April 3rd - Holy Saturday Confessions from 11 AM until Noon 7 PM - Easter Vigil - Traditional Latin Mass April 4th - Easter Sunday 11:30 AM - Traditional Latin Mass April 11th - Divine Mercy Sunday 11:30 AM - Traditional Latin Mass; Divine Mercy Chaplet with Pr...

Poll: Would You Like to See Another Weekly TLM Mass in the Archdiocese of Baltimore?

Survey Results -

Visitors ask...Religious Communities

From time to time, I still receive searches for specific Religious Communities located within the area. The Archdiocesan website under the heading "Clergy & Religious Life" has links to Communities of Religious Men and Communities of Religious Women . Some are found within the Archdiocese at specific locations as you can see.

Archdiocese of Baltimore Website: Lent 2009

The Archdiocesan website seems to be getting more user friendly by the day. I only wish that a listing of Ash Wednesday Masses was available, but perhaps that will come with time. The site now has a full explanation on Lent and the obligations for fasting and abstinence . There is also a link to the Parishes in the Archdiocese where one can find a Mass location and Mass times as well as Confessions . There is even a list of those Parishes with 24-hour Adoration. Marvelous! Note that Confessions will be offered each Wednesday from 7 PM to 8:30 PM .

Visitors ask...Saint Charles Seminary, Baltimore, Maryland

I love some of the queries I find in the search box that landed people on this site! One visitor from Ohio was seeking information on Saint Charles Seminary in Maryland . The Archdiocese of Baltimore is privileged to have two major seminaries. The first is Saint Mary's Seminary on Charles Street in Baltimore located very near the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen. The second seminary is Mount Saint Mary's Seminary located on the campus of Mount Saint Mary's University in Emmitsburg, Maryland west of Frederick, MD. Saint Charles was a "minor seminary" located near Catonsville, MD on a beautiful rolling landscape. Here is a link from the National Register Listings in Maryland including a photo . The site was vacant for a time and is now the site of CharlesTown, a retirement community. If I recall correctly, the original Chapel is still present on that site. The site is not far from the campus of UMBC, the University of Maryland Baltimore County. D.v.

Archdiocese of Baltimore Website: Even More User Friendly!

I admire the website of the Archdiocese of Baltimore found here ( it is also listed in the Blogroll and Favorites in the Right Menu ). I check it often for updates. I was not aware of this but a maroon menu bar along the top announces "Parishes " among other options. If you move the mouse over "Parishes," you can find Masses listed alphabetically, by Vicariate, by language, by time, by day of the week, for holydays, etc. Here, for example, one can dial in a day, a time and a listing of Masses in the Archdiocese will appear ! It also works for Holydays and Vigils. This shows the "language" discriminator. It can be used to find Latin, Tridentine, Byzantine Masses, etc . Very nice!

Evening Roundup - December 9th, 2008

Catholic Review Online: "Thoughts on Our Church >> A feast for Baltimore (Most Rev. Edwin O'Brien, Archbishop of Baltimore) Whispers in the Loggia >> Here Comes the...Prefect

Catholic Review Online: Courage

In an article dated today, His Excellency, Archbishop Edwin O'Brien discusses "Courage" in his weekly column, "Thoughts on Our Church ." To cite just a part of this column: With Father John Harvey, O.S.F.S., and Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R., I was involved in the founding of Courage, a support group for Catholics with same-sex attractions who seek to live chaste lives. Off to a small start in 1980, Courage now has branches in 95 U.S. dioceses as well as in 12 other countries. The strength it continues to lend individuals and their families is a sure sign of God’s grace at work. At present, we have EnCourage, a group that meets regularly in our Archdiocese. I wrote about it in this column in March after celebrating Mass for its members. EnCourage supports relatives and loved ones of individuals who are involved in same-sex relationships. These EnCourage members are often parents who have homosexually active children and see the sad gap between them and our Churc...

Baltimore and Washington: Christmas Schedules for Major Basilicas and Cathedrals (Early On)

I wanted to post this early and it is subject to change, of course. These are the major Basilicas and Cathedrals in the Archdioceses of Baltimore and Washington, DC. Here is where you will find the Christmas schedule of Masses: Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Baltimore, Maryland has posted its Christmas Mass and Concert schedule here The Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Baltimore has posted its Christmas schedule here Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC has a full schedule for both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day linked at the bottom of this page here The Cathedral of Saint Matthew the Apostle in Washington, DC has its Advent and Christmas schedule posted here Please note that these schedules are for the major Cathedrals and Basilicas of the two Archdioceses. To check for the TLM schedule, consult the Parish weblinks in the right menu . For Novus Ordo Masses, please use

Catholic Review Online: Archbishop to continue dialogue with Legionaries

Paul McMullen posted an article in the Catholic Review Online yesterday concerning a continuing dialogue between H.E. Archbishop O'Brien and the Legionaries of Christ. The full article can be found here .

Catholic Review Online: Number of new seminarians hits new high

I've said it before... Some stories just make you smile. This was posted today on the Catholic Review Online by George P. Matysek, Jr . FOURTEEN young men have stepped forward to enter the priesthood. Read the fabulous story here . Praise God! Please pray for them. If we want Shepherds, we must ask Our Lord and His Mother to find us many more!

Visitors ask...Catholic Newspapers in Baltimore?

The Catholic newspaper for the Archdiocese of Baltimore is "The Catholic Review" which I cite often. You will also find the link in the "right menu" under "blogroll and favorite websites." Note that the newspaper has an electronic edition which will open in a new browser window. One can then scroll through the entire published version (the latest edition published) page by page. It is quite a neat feature! The online version is of interest to me in that stories appear a bit more quickly and have permanent hyperlinks that can be referenced.

Charlotte Was Both: Accountability

Amy Wellborn has posted a story on her blog, Charlotte was Both , on the Legionaries of Christ which arises from the Archdiocese of Baltimore . In particular, the story arises from actions taken by H.E. Archbishop Edwin O'Brien. The Archbishop sent a letter to the Superior General of the Legionaries (dated June 6th) with very specific requests. The letter is on the Archdiocesan website in PDF format . The story has also been picked up by Rocco Palmo of Whispers in the Loggia in his post, "In Premier See, Legion Gets Premier Scrutiny ." To quote Mr. Palmo, After meeting with the Legion's superior-general last Friday, O'Brien sent letters to his priests and the LC head, Fr Álvaro Corcuera Martinez del Rio, detailing the new policy, which was formulated after consultations both with the archdiocese's presbyteral council and the Holy See. There is sure to be more on this story . See update posted June 12, 2008 above .

Visitors ask...Saint Joseph Monastery, Archdiocese of Baltimore

Visitors ask for Saint Joseph (Passionist) Monastery and then go off on a tangent checking out Monasteries in the FAQs listing. To find Saint Joseph Monastery, first get the alphabetical listing of Parishes in the Archdiocese of Baltimore . Then, scroll down and find Saint Joseph Passionist Monastery here . Note that there is also a private webpage so we can check that over as well . Nice! In the cases of both Saint Bernadette Parish (below) and Saint Joseph Passionist Monastery, the fastest way to locate either of them was via the Archdiocesan websites . I have both the Archdiocese of Washington and Archdiocese of Baltimore linked in the Blogroll and Favorite Websites in the RIGHT MENU BAR .

Visitors ask...Tridentine Mass, Latin Mass, Archdiocese of Baltimore (or the TLM or Usus Antiquior) in Baltimore or in Maryland

I thought I had covered this adequately, but it still appears in "search strings" in various forms and orders of words! Search engines are "tempermental!" Visitors often ask for the "Tridentine Mass" (or the "Latin Mass," or the "TLM," or " Usus Antiquior ," or "Extraordinary Form") in the Archdiocese of Baltimore (or even more generally, "in Baltimore" or "in Maryland"). Here is the scoop... The ONLY " TLM " or " Tridentine Mass " celebrated in the Archdiocese of Baltimore every Sunday and Holy Day is at Saint Alphonsus Church on Saratoga Street in the heart of Baltimore city. The Sunday TLM Mass there is at 11:30 AM. There is a weekly " Latin Novus Ordo Mass " celebrated at the National Shrine of the Basilica of the Assumption nearby at 9:00 AM each Sunday. Please note that both of these Masses are to be found in the RIGHT MENU and are also contained in th...

Catholic Review Online: Three seminarians prepare for ordination as transitional deacons

George P. Matysek, Jr. of the Catholic Review gives a biosketch of the three transitional deacons to be be ordained at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Baltimore on May 10th . Two of the three seminarians, Gonzalo Cadavid-Rivera, 35, and Hector H. Mateus-Ariza, 36, are Spanish-speaking natives of Colombia, while Marc L. Lanoue, 42, hails from Massachusetts. As transitional deacons, Mr. Cadavid, Mr. Mateus-Ariza and Mr. Lanoue will be able to proclaim the Gospel during Mass, perform baptisms, witness marriages, perform vigil services and bring Communion to the sick. Ordination to the priesthood normally happens a year after ordination to the transitional diaconate. Read the full story here . Deo gratias! Ad multos annos!

In Search Of: Early Morning Masses, Baltimore, MD

Well, some would swear I "set up" this story! Just after posting how to find an "Evening Sunday Mass" in Washington, D.C., I dashed down to see EWTN's Raymond Arroyo and his "Interview with the President." I returned to find someone from the Baltimore suburbs searching for an "early Mass in Baltimore!" Following the procedure I went through below , I plugged in "Monday" at and found the following list for our friend: 6:30 AM St. Thomas More St. Mark Sacred Heart of Jesus Little Flower 6:40 AM Immaculate Heart of Mary 7:00 AM St. Thomas Aquinas St. Pius the Tenth St. Michael the Archangel St. Jude Shrine St. Alphonsus Sacred Heart Mary Our Queen 7:25 AM St. Ignatius (Jesuit Church) 7:30 AM St. Francis of Assisi St. Brigid St. Athanasius Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7:45 AM St. William of York St. Mark 8:00 AM St. Wenceslaus St. Ursula St....