Father John Trigilio of "The Black Biretta" gives a "shout out" to Monsignor Guido Marini, who is now at the helm for Papal Ceremonies . The gorgeous copes and mitres of old have now "reappeared" in papal ceremonies. Rocco Palmo of " Whispers in the Loggia " has a very nice story on the opening of the first Catholic Church in Qatar . As always, Rocco includes photos. Father John Zuhlsdorf of " What Does the Prayer Really Say " has a brief photoessay on the TLM Mass on Palm Sunday at Assumption Grotto in Detroit . There is much more in the way of photos at " Te Deum laudamus !" Finally, many of you (my Sitemeter told me so!) will be searching for the Latin for " Usus Antiquior " liturgies this week including the Mass on Holy Thursday, Good Friday's Passion, the Easter Vigil Mass and Easter Sunday Mass. To my knowledge, there is no complete and up-to-date listing of these online that are in full accordance w...