
Showing posts with the label Canon 915

Morning - Tuesday of the Fourth Week in Lent - Missa 'Exaudi Deus' - March 16th, 2010

AmP >> Cardinal George (Head of USCCB) disagrees with CHA, condemns Dem. bill Anna Arco's Diary >> Papal visit details announced today Ars orandi >> Collect of the Day: Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Lent (Sandro Magister) >> The Legion Awaits a New General. And Trembles Domine da mihi hanc aquam >> Doctor's orders First Thoughts >> Stupak Says Democrats Short on Votes for Health Care Insight Scoop >> A Poison in the Home In the Light of the Law >> Resources on Canon 915 (excellent resource!) Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Tuesday, Lent Wk 4: "“Rise " New Liturgical Movement >> The Consecration of Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary Chapel - Part 3 New Liturgical Movement >> Confirmed: Benedict XVI to Personally Beatify John Henry Cardinal Newman RORATE CÆLI >> Opus Mariae Matris Ecclesiae Reflections of a Paralytic >> Marriage Sustains Love Vultus Christi ...

Saturday of the Fourth Week in Lent - March 28th, 2009

Breviarium Romanum >> Canon 915: "Panem Angelórum manducávit ira Dei ascéndit super eos." Breviarium Romanum >> Fargo, North Dakota: "Salvum me fac , Deus: quóniam intravérunt aquæ usque ad ánimam meam." Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> "Let us destroy...let us cut him off..." The New Liturgical Movement >> Solesmes This Summer Transalpine Redemptorists at home >> Ordinations to the Subdiaconate in Nebraska Transalpine Redemptorists at home >> Vespers WDTPRS >> What priests should do in the face of the floods

21:30 Post - Thursday, February 19th, 2009

In the Light of the Law >> The Pewsitter Petition on Canon 915 (Dr. Edward Peters discusses the canonical aspects of this petition) WDTPRS >> Mariawald Abbey: transition to TLM (the Trappists return to the Usus Antiquior -- Laus Deo !)

Noon - Saturday, October 4th, 2008 with Father John Zuhlsdorf

Catholics pro-abortion politicians, canon 915, and Red Masses ALERT: Wireless microphones banned by the US’s FCC (this needs wide circulation as many Churches use wireless mics!) QUAERITUR: Rights of students on campus to TLM under Summorum Pontificum AFRICA: Johannesburg … Pretoria … Summorum Pontificum No physical remains of Card. Newman in coffin at Rednal, England Benedict at the Popes’ old digs