Early Afternoon Roundup - Pentecost Thursday (Whit Thursday) - Missa 'Spiritus Domini' - May 27th, 2010
Acton Institute PowerBlog >> What is the USCCB’s problem with subsidiarity ? (Samuel Gregg) ADW Blog >> “And With Your Spirit” – It’s Not What You Think Ars orandi >> Collect of the Day: Whit Thursday A Trail of Flowers >> Whit Thursday Catholic Hour >> Summer "Vocation " (Hearty congratulations to Mr. Suprenant's daughter; check this story for some great links!) Domine da mihi hanc aquam >> The Knights of Columbus: to stay or go ? (spirited defense by a priest in the comments!) Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Thursday, Ord Time Wk 8: "like living stones, let yourselves be built " Ordo recitandi >> Thursday within the Octave of Pentecost Reflections of a Paralytic >> The Inspiring Story of Garvan Byrne (please read this if possible) RORATE CÆLI >> Cardinal Cañizares to visit IBP in Bordeaux Rosamundi's ramblings >> The joys of faceless bureaucracy (is your actual name ...