
Showing posts with the label Catholic catechesis

Morning Edition - Feria After the Ascension - Missa 'Viri Galilaei' or St. Boniface, Martyr - May 14th, 2010

ADW Blog >> Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There ! A Trail of Flowers >> Arrival Catholic Hour >> Catechizing for Conversion Charlotte was Both >> Live from Long Island... (the incomparable Amy Welborn) (Sandro Magister) >> A Church Persecuted? Yes, by the Sins of Her Children Colleen Hammond >> Novena to the Holy Spirit Starts TODAY (Day One) Insight Scoop >> Greydanus on "Robin Hood": "I’m just so sick of this . (I'll skip it and rent "Master and Commander"...again) Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> S Matthias: "become with us a witness to his resurrection. ” New Liturgical Movement >> Craftsmanship and Continuity in the Liturgical Arts Ordo recitandi >> Within the Octave of the Ascension Reflections of a Paralytic >> Contraception: Morally Wrong in Every Circumstance SECRET HARBOUR >> Aflame with Divine Love The Catholic Thing >> T...

Morning Roundup - The Ascension of Our Lord - Missa 'Viri Galilaei' - May 13th, 2010

AmP >> Bishop Listecki accused of advising Marquette U. to dump lesbian Dean (+ what really happened and what we can do) A Priest Life >> Matrimony is holy ADW Blog >> The Problem of Privacy: God is Watching….And So Are Many Others ! Ars orandi >> Collect of the Day: The Ascension A Trail of Flowers >> Ascension Thursday Catholic Hour >> Catholics Schools, Catholic Education First Thoughts >> The Vincible Ignorance of Atheism Insight Scoop >> The Image of Man Has Been Raised Up: On the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Our Lady of Fatima in Ascensiontide : "A little while and you will no longer see me " Mulier Fortis >> One Of Life's Imponderables... Ordo recitandi >> The Ascension of the LORD RORATE CÆLI >> I bring with me... RORATE CÆLI >> The prophetic mission of Fatima is not complete The Black Biretta >> Pope consecrates priests of ...

Morning - Wednesday of the Second Week in Lent - Missa 'Ne Derelinquas Me' - March 3rd, 2010

A Priest Life >> Elements of Continuity ADW Blog >> Critical Keys for Catholic Catechesis: Discipline and Content Ars orandi >> Collect of the Day: Wednesday of the Second Week in Lent Catholic Spiritual Direction >> St. John of the Cross – Principles for Detachment Insight Scoop >> What Is Success For a Priest ? Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> S. Katharine Drexel: "I stood before you to speak in their behalf " New Liturgical Movement >> Stational Churches of Lent: Wednesday after the Second Sunday in Lent Opus Dei News >> Letter from the Prelate (March 2010) Reflections of a Paralytic >> TOB Tuesday: Lent Standing on My Head >> Contraception and the Vocations Crisis The Catholic Medical Student >> Bishops Say "Pelosi Is Wrong " The Divine Life >> First African-American priest considered for sainthood The Spiritual Exercises >> XII. The Prodigal Son: Discovering Mercy Vultus Ch...

Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog: Lackadaisical, sacramentalized pagans

Carl Olson has more to say on the state of catechesis within the Church . He quotes Mark Brumley, Phil Lawler and Pope John Paul II to hammer the message home. I guess this kind of analysis is going to go on for quite some time. Wow...

St. Peter Canisius Apostolate >> Tuesdays with St. Thomas: Our Ultimate Goal: Introduction (A New Blog!)

I am grateful to Dom Bettinelli, Jr., author of, for pointing out this new blog ! St. Peter Canisius Apostolate's aim is to catechize the Catholic Faithful . The blog is designed beautifully and will cover different subjects each day. As today is Tuesday, it is Tuesday With St. Thomas Aquinas . The blog is authored by Jeff Vehige . Read his personal account of his "journey." The blog will be listed in the Blogroll in the right menu.

Father John Corapi, SOLT

Anyone who watches EWTN regularly certainly knows of Fr. John Corapi. Some may have watched his entire series on the Catholic Catechism, or seen any number of other series this powerful preacher has done. He once estimated, not in boasting, that as many as one billion people may have heard his Catechism series. This is the power and potential of multimedia which has been praised by Pope John Paul II and by Pope Benedict XVI. Father's style of speech is powerful and he clearly loves being a priest. He says that he prepares for every hour of speaking by several hours of prayer before the Holy Eucharist. It is evident. The YouTube below is a shortened version of his original audiotape on his own conversion. If you are traveling this summer, and if you want to listen to some quality Catholic tapes, check his talks available on SOLT . You might even sign up for his newsletter. I did.... Father's John's speaking schedule has slowed down. We need to hear him now on ta...

Christendom College News and Events: NDGS Initiates New Programs in Education and Culture

Christendom College's Notre Dame Graduate School is beginning two new programs: one is in Montessori catechesis and one is in Catholic culture . The program in Montessori catechesis is quite intriguing as the original Montessori program was once infused heavily with Catholic religious education before it was revamped for a more secular audience. Please check this interesting story ! H/T: CNA for this story!