Visitors ask...a Dominican Mass or Parish in Maryland?
The search index has now turned to the "Dominicans." It is not widely known in Maryland that the Dominican Priory of the Immaculate Conception is located in Washington, D.C . This link shows the Liturgical Horarium during the school year . The Dominican life is summarized here , and the Friars and Brothers in residence are listed here . If you wish to attend the Sunday Mass, I'd call ahead. The Third Order or Lay Dominicans consists of Chapters and this link shows you where to find a local Chapter of the Dominican Province of St. Joseph (Eastern U.S.). Region 5 constitutes D.C., Maryland and Virginia. The Pope Pius V Pro-Chapter mentioned once before has a website here . Here is a link to the Dominican Liturgy . I am not certain this is celebrated at the Priory routinely. Fr. Thompson, O.P., is on the blog team at The New Liturgical Movement and publicizes when a special Mass will be celebrated. His link is located in the Right Menu . Hope this help...