
Showing posts with the label FOCA

Afternoon Roundup - Fourth Sunday of Lent, March 22nd, 2009

Creative Minority Report >> ND Students May Not Attend Commencement OSV Daily Take >> Catholic hospital experts: FOCA not the biggest threat (please check this important post and, by all means, read the full story here ; this has serious implications for Catholic health care) WDTPRS >> Harvard prof defends Benedict XVI on condoms and AIDS WDTPRS >> A Laetare image (magnificent!)

16:00 - Ember Friday (EF) or Friday of the First Week in Lent (OF) - March 6th, 2009

American Papist >> Flash: FOCA may not be so far away The Recovering Choir Director >> Tomorrow: Missa Cantata @ Holy Innocents, NY C (1:00 PM)

Afternoon Roundup - Thursday, February 19th, 2009

Standing on My Head >> Smeagol Speaks The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Responding to the Tablet ("Good show," Father!) WDTPRS >> Scranton: Bp. Martino digs in about pro-abortion Catholic politicians WDTPRS >> TIME: Catholics are worked up for nothing about FOCA (Oh, really!) WDTPRS >> Attack on the Pope by a group of European “rupture” theologians WDTPRS >> Exercises in intimidation: The Tablet attacks Fr. Finigan WDTPRS >> Sides being chosen ("Somethin's happenin' here. What it is ain't exactly clear.")

Morning Roundup - Tuesday, February 17th, 2009

Standing on My Head >> Infallible Infallibility The Catholic Thing >> Aristotle, Prudence, and the Freedom of Choice Act (Hadley Aarkes) The New Liturgical Movement >> New Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary (F.S.S.P., Denton, NE) The Way of the Fathers >> Sound Advice (MP3 files!) The Way of the Fathers >> Patristiblogging Population Is Popping The Way of the Fathers >> Desktop Icondullia (Patristic icons available)

Our Lady of Lourdes - Wednesday, February 11th, 2009 >> Bad News from China. A Rift Has Opened in Beijing (Sandro Magister) Standing on My Head >> Fight FOCA Traditional Latin Mass Propers in English >> THE APPARITION OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES USCCB Daily Readings >> February 11th, 2009

Evening Roundup - Monday, November 24th, 2008 >> Shocking News: A Cardinal Sings the Praises of Orthodoxy (Sandro Magister) FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> We Need Roots (R.R. Reno) The New Liturgical Movement >> Core Questions About the Psalter The New Liturgical Movement >> Tremendous News: German Trappists Return to Usus Antiquior [update] WDTPRS >> TLM at Dunwoodie, St. Joseph's Seminary WDTPRS >> Fighting FOCA WDTPRS >> Rem acu tetigerunt! The importance of knowing Latin WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: Advent wreaths and my annual rant on BLUE vestments WDTPRS >> The spiritual danger in using gadgets, internet, etc.

Afternoon Roundup - Sunday, November 23rd, 2008 - Feast of Christ the King

In the Light of the Law >> Canonical options for dealing with Catholic legislative support for FOCA (Bishop Alert!) Standing on My Head >> Christ the King The Way of the Fathers >> Egypt Defends Byzantium

Early Roundup - Thursday, November 20th, 2008 >> At the Vatican, One Newspaper Is Making Noise. For Some, Too Much (Sandro Magister...fascinating stuff!) FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> Reel Aliens (Russell E. Saltzman) Standing on My Head >> FOCA Standing on My Head >> 89% of Abortions...

Ten Star Edition: Wednesday, November 12th, 2008

Seminarians for Life >> Hope for Pro Life People Standing on My Head >> Mass in Wartime (see WDTPRS below) The New Liturgical Movement >> Letter from Pontificia Commissio Ecclesia Dei concerning various music questions WDTPRS >> REVIEW: Angelus Press 2009 Calendars (magnificent!) WDTPRS >> Relive the thrills: the USCCB discusses liturgical translation ("this is Pelagian"...) Whispers in the Loggia >> FOCA = Lights Out ? (Bp. Thomas Paprocki nails it)

Whispers in the Loggia: O'Brien on FOCA

Rocco Palmo has another exclusive on a story which will appear in the Catholic Review, the official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. The author of the article is His Excellency, Archbishop Edwin O'Brien, and the article deals with the Freedom of Choice Act. Read this important article here . Here is just a snippet: A threat to all life, this legislation would also have a terrible impact on Catholic and other pro-life healthcare providers. Of particular note: FOCA trumps state laws that protect rights of providers (e.g. Catholic hospitals, pharmacists, etc.) to conscientiously object to performing abortions if such state laws are seen to in any way “interfere” with a woman’s decision to have an abortion. FOCA undermines the freedom of religion upon which our country was founded. I pledge that we will join with other all law-abiding religious and public interest groups in taking every action necessary to resist this blatant attempt to stifle the consciences of those w...

Te Deum laudamus!: FOCA: Freedom of Choice Act and Barack Obama

Whenever a secular Carmelite speaks, I listen. That may be because I so care for their charism! Diane M. Korzeniewski has a marvelous post of October 2nd that all should consider . Just how radical is the F.O.C.A.? Read here for more information! Ponder its ramifications, my Catholic, pro-life friends... Bishop Finn will enlighten you...

AmericanPapist: Breaking: US Bishops set the record straight in today's statement

Thomas Peters of American Papist is announcing this breaking story. The USCCB has published a press release clarification of the issues dealing with abortion and the Freedom of Choice Act in response to those who would attempt to move the discussion away from Roman Catholic teaching. Please read this "must read" story! The clarification, here posted in PDF format , was co-signed by Justin Cardinal Rigali and Bishop Murphy of Rockville Centre, NY.

Evening Roundup - Sunday, October 12th, 2008

The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> CDW Rumors (more Archbp. Ranjith discussion) WDTPRS >> CDW changes... curial politics at work (see above for hint of content...) WDTPRS >> Bp. Serratelli: FOCA - an alarm for decent Americans to wake up (Bp. Serratelli "telling it like it is...") WDTPRS >> Madison, WI: Call To Action types attack Bp. Morlino in the local newspaper (rant warning!) WDTPRS >> Anointing with "Oil of Gladness" will now stop WDTPRS >> D. of St. Cloud, MN: norms for TLM