
Showing posts with the label Firestorm

The Feast of the Presentation - February 2nd, 2009 (Candlemas)

Father John Zuhlsdorf has an incredible 17 posts since I checked yesterday. He seems to see the overall picture of the firestorm that has been ignited by the lifting of the excommunications by the Holy Father and the reaction. I will present a sampling of links to illustrate this overview. Others are also seeing this in its overall form. The seeping cracks are splitting open Wymyn whine at Benedict XVI about SSPX excomms being lifted Italian priest: lifting the excomms… a rape of the Church by the Pope The hits keep rolling in SSPX Bp. Tissier: we’ll convert the Vatican - Reuters look at SSPX fallout SSPX Bp. Tissier de Mallerais: “we have the intention of converting Rome” Observation of Prefect of Cong. for Bishops on SSPX excommunications WDTPRS: Candlemas