
Showing posts with the label Forgiveness

Late Morning -Tuesday of the Third Week in Lent - Missa 'Ego Clamavi' - March 9th, 2010

Anna Arco's Diary >> Lombardi addresses German abuse scandal A Priest Life >> "Do not join in their feasting " ADW Blog >> Nihilism Reaches the Suburbs Ars orandi >> Tuesday in the Third Week of Lent Catholic Spiritual Direction >> His Grace for My Sin – A Prayer of St. Augustine Domine da mihi hanc aquam >> The sacrifice of forgiveness Insight Scoop >> Now available: "Loser Letters A Comic Tale of Life, Death and Atheism " Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Tuesday, Lent Wk 3: "how often must I forgive? " RORATE CÆLI >> "The number of the faithful who are attached to the old Mass is forever on the increase " RORATE CÆLI >> "Union with the Catholic Church is the goal of ecumenism " Standing on My Head >> What are We Tolkien About ? The Divine Life >> The three-bar Cross Vultus Christi >> Benedictine Oblates Vultus Christi >> Saint Frances...

Morning - Feria or Comm: Sts. Hippolytus and Cassian, Martyrs

American Papist >> Important: Abp. Chaput's advice on nationalized health care ADW Blog >> Catholic Young Adults favor Tradition in Religious Vocations Catholic Church Conservation >> Institute of Christ the King ordinations Insight Scoop >> Surrendering to the Healing Power of Christ's Own Chastity Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Thursday, 19th Wk: "I forgave you your entire debt" New Liturgical Movement >> BBC Tales Before the Stave: The Story of the 11th Century Winchester Troper Singulare Ingenium >> The Rock of the Music of Water... The Catholic Thing >> The Part and the Whole (Bevil Bramwell, OMI) The Curt Jester >> The more you know ... WDTPRS >> Fr Blake on The Tablet WDTPRS >> Mens sana in corpore Benedetto (pretty funny!) WDTPRS >> Archbp. Dolan on the challenges we face as a Church