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Updated: December 15th, 2011 TLM (Extraordinary Form) Masses in Maryland and Surrounding States, F.S.S.P Locations, N.O. Masses, N.O. Latin Masses, Shrines, Monasteries, Abbeys, Training in the TLM, Latin Propers Sacred Music, Chant, Chant Libraries (MP3s and text), Hymnals for Parishes Vestments and Other Items Needed for the TLM Mass Religious Orders: Benedictines, Carmelites, Dominicans, Search Forms The Traditional Latin Mass ( Tridentine ; Extraordinary Form ; Usus Antiquior; Missal of 1962 ) or Finding Regional Novus Ordo Sunday Masses This blog is called "Traditional Latin Mass in Maryland." What are you trying to accomplish? [ Answer: I am trying to assist people searching for the Traditional Latin Mass in the greater Maryland area to find a Sunday Mass which celebrates the Usus Antiquior or Extraordinary Form ]. Which States are covered? [ Presently, I cover Maryland, the D.C. suburbs, Washington, D.C. itself, Northern Virginia, some of West Virginia and So...