
Showing posts with the label Gerard Manley Hopkins

Evening - Feria in Paschaltide - Missa 'Misericordia Domini' - April 20th, 2010

Love Remains the Same >> Hopkins Kind of Afternoon New Liturgical Movement >> Sung Vespers from the London Oratory New Liturgical Movement >> Schola Missa de Angelis New Liturgical Movement >> Pilgrimage to Trier and Pontifical Mass with the Abbot of Mariawald The Anchoress >> NunStuff Palate Clearer – UPDATED (if you are interested in women's religious orders, check this out!) The Divine Life >> Woman, 92, enters the convent The New Theological Movement >> The Legacy of Pope Benedict: Teaching WDTPRS >> Former Vicar General in Archd. of Munich denies taking the fall for the future Pope

WDTPRS >> SCHOLION: Benedict XVI’s closing sermon for WYD

Father Zuhlsdorf once again makes extensive comments on the Holy Father's homily from yesterday's Closing Mass at WYD . He makes some excellent points and helps us tie all the talks together citing a poem from Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844–89).