
Showing posts with the label Grail Psalms

Morning - Feria in Paschaltide or St. George, Martyr - Missa 'Protexisti' - April 23rd, 2010

A Priest Life >> PriestYear "Priest in Focus": Father Don Calloway ADW Blog >> The Mystery of God’s Children in a Thousand Points of Light A Trail of Flowers >> Reverence Creative Minority Report >> Caring About Children or Anti-Catholicism ? Domine da mihi hanc aquam >> Abortionists covering for rapist Insight Scoop >> "Rome and the Orthodox East" by Aidan Nichols, O.P. Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Friday, Easter Wk 3: "why are you persecuting me? ” New Liturgical Movement >> More commentary on the Grail Psalms Patrick Madrid >> How the Nazis engineered a pedophile priests scare in the 1930s Reflections of a Paralytic >> ESCR “Rock Star” Confronts Pro-Lifers in CA RORATE CÆLI >> You Report: The Traditional Latin Mass in New York City The Catholic Thing >> Our Catholic Barbarians (Matthew Hanley) The Divine Life >> We too must slay dragons Words on Fire >> Faith...

Afternoon - St. Peter Nolasco, Confessor - Missa 'Iustus Ut Palma' - January 28th, 2010

AmP >> Alito & Others: Fact-Checking Obama First Things >> Salinger and Christ (Joseph Bottum) First Thoughts >> The Uncertain Legacy of J.D. Salinger (Joe Carter) New Liturgical Movement >> Comparing English Psalms (I'll take the RSV, thank you very much!) SECRET HARBOR >> Caritas OSV Daily Take >> Agendas of Obama and U.S. bishops: Any overlap ? (Russell Shaw) Patrick Madrid >> Atheists "go postal" over new Mother Teresa stamp The Anchoress >> Final thoughts on SOTU The League of Bearded Catholics >> Pope-Slapped !

The New Liturgical Movement - Grail Psalms: A Path Forward

I have had numerous searches for the Grail Psalms. Jeffrey Tucker does a fine job setting down his reservations in a cogent article . I think this article is one that is worth looking at and discussing. I hope it gets wide coverage in the U.S.