
Showing posts with the label Homeschooling

Evening - Tuesday of the First Week of Lent - Missa 'Domine Refugium' - February 23rd, 2010

First Thoughts >> Religious Liberty’s Battle of Hastings Insight Scoop >> Christopher O. Tollefsen has written an exceptional essay... Libera Me >> Dominus Est New Liturgical Movement >> Appreciations for the Posting of English Chant New Liturgical Movement >> Seminarians Learning Vespers RORATE CÆLI >> "L'Enfer est partout où n'est pas Jésus-Christ. " WDTPRS >> Brick by brick at Georgetown WDTPRS >> McBrien urges priests to disobey and resist translation

Early Roundup - Thursday, June 19th, 2008

Charlotte was Both >> Catholic Charities and Abortion >> African Diplomats, Take Note: This Is How the Church Works (Sandro Magister; this title sounds a tad "autocratic," but the article is an explanation of why "the Church" has such a vital role to play for those dispossessed) Creative Minority Report >> Jailed for Homeschooling (in Germany) FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> The State of Higher Desperation (Matthew J. Milliner, a Ph.D. candidate in art history at Princeton University) The New Liturgical Movement >> Holy Week Ceremonies in Papal Chapels as recounted by English Cardinal, Nicholas Wiseman (Shawn Tribe) Traditional Latin Mass Propers in English >> Saint Juliana Falconieri, Virgin

Homeschool Alert >> Institute for Advanced Physics

I just watched a fascinating show on EWTN with a dialogue between Fr. Mitch Pacwa and Dr. Anthony Rizzi. Dr. Rizzi is from the Institute for Advanced Physics and his mission is to make science intelligible to Catholics and Christians . The Institute publishes books based on Newtonian Physics and has several books that add the "link" back to Christianity and away from the areligious theology of "scientism ." Dr. Rizzi made much of the upcoming voyage to Mars and how the calendar to be used on this mission will be based on the calendar of the French Revolution -- scientific -- as opposed to the Julian calendar of Columbus or the Gregorian calendar we know. His Institute's effort is to begin to reacquaint Christianity with the observational scientific method before the Revolution . His books bespeaks of "what we know from observation" and advances from there. He said his 6-year-old son loves to play the software games that one can obtain by pu...