
Showing posts with the label Independence Day

Morning - Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary or Saturday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time - July 4th, 2009

Light posting today... Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> "Why do your disciples not fast ?" Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> FOURTEENTH Sunday of the Year: "and they took offense at him ." RORATE CÆLI >> Tissier de Mallerais speaks - The details of the doctrinal talks Shouts in the Piazza >> Happy Independence Day ! St. Conleth's Catholic Heritage >> Interest in the Gregorian Rite in the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Happy Fourth of July! (tip of the hat to Fr. Finigan!) New Liturgical Movement >> Second Undersecretary for the CDW appointed ( Rev. Mons. Juan Miguel Ferrer Grenesche, until now Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Toledo) New Liturgical Movement >> Omnes Gentes (video) Traditional Latin Mass Propers in English >> Our Lady of Refuge

Independence Day, July 4th, 2009 - To Those Who Serve - Freedom is Never Free!

To those who have served and are serving now... Thank you, may God bless you and may He keep you always in the palm of His hands!

To any Soldier, Sailor, Marine, Airman or Coastie anywhere in the world....

Thanks! Thanks again and God bless you--all of you..each and every one! The summer barbecue on the Fourth may go on, the kids will scamper about, the old folks will talk, and we will have a beer or two, some burgers and some pie. However, it won't be the same. We know you are in hot climes, or on pitching decks, or on secret missions, or on remote locations and will miss us. Well, we do TOO... miss YOU! It won't be the same until we are all reunited again. The lyrics to an old 60's hit song said that "freedom's just another name for nothing left to lose." That is sophistry, friends... my brothers... my sisters. The strongest volunteer to keep the rest of us free. We can't put it into words, I'm afraid, except to say "Thanks, and that God has blessed us with folks like you... the very best." You are the best, the most self-sacrificing--those who really do love their neighbor. Service means what it alw