
Showing posts with the label Iraq

Evening - Tuesday of the Second Week in Lent - Missa 'Tibi Dixit' - March 2nd, 2010

Breviarium Romanum >> Christians in Iraq: "Expugna Domine impugnantes me " Catholic Hour >> Top Ten Uplifting Catholic News Items First Thoughts >> The Most Reproduced Work of Art in the World Insight Scoop >> The column rejected by the Notre Dame Observer Love Remains the Same >> “Call no man on earth your father. ” New Liturgical Movement >> The Roman Stational Churches: An Explanation and Historical Consideration SUFFERING WORLD >> Evangelising the UK The Cathoholic >> D.C.Catholic Charities Ends Spousal Benefits The Divine Life >> The Nine Levels of Prayer, Part II Transalpine Redemptorists at home >> Station at St. Balbina's Word on Fire >> This Lent, change your way of seeing .

Morning - Sunday within the Octave of the Nativity of Our Lord - December 27th, 2009

ADW Blog >> Rediscovering God’s Vision For Family Life Domine da mihi hanc aquam >> Meditation on the Holy Families Insight Scoop >> The Holy Family and the Family of God, the Church Insight Scoop >> Seeing Jesus in the Gospel of John Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Feast of the Holy Family: "I must be in my Father's house " New Liturgical Movement >> Majestic Irish Cathedral Destroyed by Fire New Liturgical Movement >> Station Churches of the Christmas Season (Marvelous!) RORATE CÆLI >> Do not forget them (Iraqi Christians)

Early Roundup - Saturday, April 5th, 2008

RORATE CAELI : Regina Caeli: Tu laetitiae Israel RORATE CAELI: The continuing eradication of Christianity in Iraq Traditional Latin Mass Propers in English: Saint Vincent Ferrer

Catholic Online: SPECIAL REPORT: Catholic Archbishop Kidnapped by Armed Extremists in Iraq

Deacon Keith Fournier files a special report on Catholic Online . "We call on President Bush and the current American administration to do everything within their power to secure the release of Archbishop Rahho ." [...] Archbishop Faraj Rahho is deeply loved by the faithful. He is known to be a holy man, whose devotion to the Lord and his beloved Chaldean Catholic faith is matched only by his dedication to the faithful who are suffering increasing persecution in Iraq. Chaldean (also referred to as Assyrian) Catholics are the majority Christian representation in Iraq. Most estimate their numbers to be around 550,000 strong. They have also become the focus of a growing wave of anti-Christian violence in that war ravaged country, which is their homeland. These deeply devout Eastern Catholic Christians are also living in the United Sates and elsewhere throughout the world. Their largest communities in America are in Detroit, Detroit, Michigan and El Cajon, California. In fact, t...