
Showing posts with the label Novena of the Holy Spirit

Morning Edition - Feria After the Ascension - Missa 'Viri Galilaei' or St. Boniface, Martyr - May 14th, 2010

ADW Blog >> Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There ! A Trail of Flowers >> Arrival Catholic Hour >> Catechizing for Conversion Charlotte was Both >> Live from Long Island... (the incomparable Amy Welborn) (Sandro Magister) >> A Church Persecuted? Yes, by the Sins of Her Children Colleen Hammond >> Novena to the Holy Spirit Starts TODAY (Day One) Insight Scoop >> Greydanus on "Robin Hood": "I’m just so sick of this . (I'll skip it and rent "Master and Commander"...again) Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> S Matthias: "become with us a witness to his resurrection. ” New Liturgical Movement >> Craftsmanship and Continuity in the Liturgical Arts Ordo recitandi >> Within the Octave of the Ascension Reflections of a Paralytic >> Contraception: Morally Wrong in Every Circumstance SECRET HARBOUR >> Aflame with Divine Love The Catholic Thing >> T...

Morning Roundup - Feria after Ascension (EF) or Friday of the Sixth Week of Easter - May 22nd, 2009 (Sandro Magister) >> All Roads Lead to Rome. Even from Asia (Damian Thompson) >> Archbishop Nichols: the media witch-hunt continues Insight Scoop >> The Mind of Knox Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> "Do not be afraid" RORATE CÆLI >> The Novena to the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete: A tradition that must not be neglected New Liturgical Movement >> Installation Mass Transalpine Redemptorists at home >> + The Ascension Night Blessing + WDTPRS >> ALERT: Pro-death politician refused Communion WDTPRS >> Novena: Pray to the Holy Spirit