
Showing posts with the label Ordinations

Afternoon Roundup - St. Bernardine of Siena, Confessor - Missa 'Os Iusti' - May 20th, 2010

Anna Arco's Diary >> Respected Moral theologian appointed to Linacre centre Catholic Hour >> St. Bernardine of Siena Creative Minority Report >> Video of Episcopal Ordination of Lesbian Bishop ("...and don't forget the dancing Girls...") Damian Thompson >> Great news: James MacMillan's new Mass will be sung in Coventry as well as Glasgow First Things >> South Dakota Dreamin’ (R.R. Reno) Insight Scoop >> The CARA Study and Vocations (..."It finds that most new ones go to orders that observe a traditional religious life...") Priests for Life >> Pentecost Sunday Secondhand Smoke >> PETA And Octomom–Publicity Hounds Made For Each Other Te Deum laudamus >> Archbishop Vigneron to ordain seven men to the priesthood Saturday, six for Detroit The Anchoress >> To Cover or Not to Cover the head ? The Divine Life >> Bad theology makes for really dumb iPhone apps The League of Beard...

Afternoon - Feria in Paschaltide - Missa 'Misericordia Domini' - April 20th, 2010

Catholic Hour >> Ordinations During the Year for Priests Damian Thompson >> English seminarians who follow Benedict are keeping their heads down First Thoughts >> Cambodia’s Horror, and China’s (David Mills) New Liturgical Movement >> Is Copyright Necessary for Liturgical Discipline ? SECRET HARBOUR >> Responding to the Call of Christ SUFFERING WORLD >> Celebrating Pope Benedict's 5 years - it's not just about liturgy The Black Biretta >> A deacon's proposal for public penance - The Deacon's Bench The Cathoholic >> Benedict XVI--Holy Risk Taker ? The League of Bearded Catholics >> Moustache Money Vultus Christi >> When My Heart Was Crushed as in a Winepress WDTPRS >> Card. Mahony compares Arizona immigration bill to Nazism, Communism WDTPRS >> Bishops in Virgina urge support of amendment to restrict funding of abortions Whispers in the Loggia >> Opening Shots

WDTPRS: Card. Castrillon Hoyos ordains priests for the FSSP in Lincoln, NE - Extraordinary Rite

Father John Zuhlsdorf has the entire Ordination in a photo montage from the EWTN Live liturgy . He also has extensive commentary on the entire Ordination and the Mass. It was beautiful to see. Please visit! There are now 62 comments on this thread and many more are sure to come. The most heartfelt congratulations go out to the four new Reverend Fathers who were ordained this day! Hat tip and photo credit: WDTPRS!

Catholic Review Online: A Rosa Moment

H.E. Archbishop Edwin O'Brien writes a reflection today in his column, " Thoughts on Our Church " regarding Ordination . It is a beautiful meditation to read. Here is a short snippet: My earliest days of priesthood found me assigned – very happily – to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. For almost five years, I served as civilian chaplain to the cadets, military families and support troops there. Most Holy Trinity Chapel and the adjoining rectory are beautifully located on a bluff overlooking a turn in the lordly Hudson River. A high point of the academic year would finally arrive during June Week when cadets would be graduated and commissioned as officers. Former classes would return for reunions and many of the newly commissioned would choose to be married at the Academy. For five or six days our chapel would have wedding ceremonies (not Masses) throughout the day every half-hour. As you would expect for West Point, the brief rite began on time and would be cond...