Late Morning - Feria of Advent - Missa 'Ad Te Levavi' - December 1st, 2009
American Papist >> Pope Benedict's prayer intentions for December Anna Arco's Diary >> World AIDS Day A Priest Life >> Tuesday, First Wk Advent: "he shall judge the poor with justice " ADW Blog >> Justice for the One And for the Many (on four police wantonly killed in Washington state) Domine da mihi hanc aquam >> Pray the Hours for Advent Domine da mihi hanc aquam >> Theological Interlude: meriting grace FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> Three Precisions: Social Justice (Michael Novak) Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Tuesday, First Wk Advent: "he shall judge the poor with justice " New Liturgical Movement >> Pope Celebrates Ad Orientem in the Pauline Chapel New Liturgical Movement >> Chants from St. Michael's Abbey for the Three Masses of Christmas RORATE CÆLI >> Bishop Henry, it's not your call Standing on My Head >> Keep Going Pro Lifers... Standing on My...