
Showing posts with the label Pius Clock

Pope Pius Clock...and a True Alternative, The Mother Mary Clock

Several days ago, Fr. Tim Finigan of " The Hermeneutic of Continuity ," in a humorous vein, posted a story on the "Pius Clock ." The clock displayed was a wall clock of Popes Pio I to XII located at each point of the hour. Fr. Finigan saw the clock displayed on the Hound of Heaven website and labeled as a "last minute gift idea ." The blogger, "Hound," unfortunately, saw the jpeg image posted on the internet somewhere and wrote it up as a humorous story. As the link above shows, he has no idea where to obtain one ! This is problematic as I posted a link to Fr. Finigan's story, and have had a number of folks seeking a "Pius Clock"...really ! After searching the internet to no avail, I'd like to offer a substitution. This is "The Mother Mary" clock and and is not meant in humor at all . Here is an image: The clock is actually quite beautiful, can be obtained here (the California Clock Company), and the art...

Evening Roundup - Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008

Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony in the Extraordinary Form Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Advent: God's Spiritual Stimulus Plan The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Hats Off to Pope Benedict The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Pius Clock (way cool!) The New Liturgical Movement >> Psalm verses for Introit/Communio - 1962 Missal (FREE download)