
Showing posts with the label Rector

Washington Times | Seminary discovers Latin | Julia Duin

Julia Duin of the Washington Times has a wrap-up (dated the 11th) of the Usus Antiquior celebrated at the Mount Saint Mary's Chapel of the Immaculate Conception on Monday-- the Feast of the Immaculate Conception . All of the celebrants and participants are clearly identified. Please read this very nice story. Perhaps it would be in order to write a note of "thanks" to Monsignor Steven Rohlfs, the Seminary's Rector, for this tremendous grace. The Mass was glorious! In light of the story, it might also be in order to inform Monsignor just how long YOU personally, have searched for the TLM in this or in another (Arch)Diocese, and to thank him for educating priests in this treasure of our Faith. He would appreciate the notes, I am sure. Laus Deo!