
Showing posts with the label Religion and Socialism

Morning - Monday in Passion Week - Missa 'Miserere Mihi' - March 22nd, 2010

ADW Blog >> 99 1/2 Won’t Do: On the Infallibility and Indefectibility of the Church Ars orandi >> Collect of the Day: Monday in Passion Week A Trail of Flowers >> True worth Catholic Spiritual Direction >> Mysticism – spiritual direction – frustrations – modern perceptions – what do I do ? First Things >> The Loser Letters (Mary Eberstadt) (I am halfway through this clever book and it's delightful!) First Thoughts >> A Different Political World Insight Scoop >> Peter Kreeft on Religion and Socialism Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Monday, Lent Wk 5: “I am the light of the world. " Musings of a Pertinacious Papist >> Happy Dependence Day New Liturgical Movement >> Stational Churches of Lent: Monday after Passion Sunday (Fifth Sunday in Lent) New Liturgical Movement >> The Wounded Liturgy by Bishop Marc Aillet RORATE CÆLI >> Light from the East: A Prayer for the Pope RORATE CÆLI >> The abu...

Afternoon - Feria - Missa 'Respice Domine' - September 4th, 2009

American Papist >> Video: Catholic Schoolchildren taught to "pledge allegiance to the earth and all Her sacred hearts " ( Matthew 18:6 ..." it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea ." ) A Trail of Flowers >> Keep to your principles FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> Yeah, But What Was in It for Mother Teresa ? (Fr. Richard John Neuhaus) Insight Scoop >> Religion and Socialism (Peter Kreeft) Insight Scoop >> Exclusive interview tonight on EWTN's "The World Over"... Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Friday, 22d Wk: “Can you make the wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them? " New Liturgical Movement >> New Secretary of Ecclesia Dei to Celebrate Solemn Mass for Two Years of Summorum Pontificum Preacher and Big Daddy >> N.T. Diasporabrief #2 The Black Biretta >> Well Said (Fr. Roger Landry) The Cath...