Morning Roundup - Saturday of Our Lady - Missa 'Salve Sancta Parens' - May 8th, 2010
ADW Blog >> Truth in the New Translation Series: # 2 – The Memento Domine or Commemoration of the Living in the Roman Canon A Trail of Flowers >> Faith Creative Minority Report >> Cancel Mother's Day! Now ! First Thoughts >> George Awarded National Human Rights Medal in Poland Insight Scoop >> Misery or happiness. What's your choice? Waiting...hello ? Insight Scoop >> What's the Point of Creeds ? Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Saturday, Easter Wk 5: "the world would love its own " New Liturgical Movement >> Solemn Requiem Mass for Cardinal Mayer at North American FSSP Seminary Secondhand Smoke >> Euthanizing Patients for Organs Advocated in Bioethics Standing on My Head >> Who Art in Heaven Standing on My Head >> Raquel Welch on Moral Values Te Deum laudamus >> Canon Law Update: Abortion and Confession The Way of the Fathers >> Since You Asked WDTPRS >> WDTPRS...