
Showing posts with the label Respect Life

Afternoon - St. Jerome, Confessor and Doctor of the Church - September 30, 2009

A Trail of Flowers >> The beginning Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Saint Jerome: “Follow me. ” New Liturgical Movement >> >Music for the Divine Office: In Festive Song We Praise Jerome (Festiva canimus laude Hieronymum) New Liturgical Movement >> Pontifical Mass for Centenary of Mariawald Abbey [Update] Seminarians for Life >> Archbishop of Toledo says new law has 'little to do with sexual health' The Catholic Thing >> Johnson (Fr. James Schall, S.J.) The Recovering Choir Director >> Dr. Mahrt’s CMAA Gregorian Chant Pilgrimage lecture WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: can all daily Masses be TLMs in a regular parish ? WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: cleaning up an old thurible and giving it to parish as incentive WDTPRS >> BENEDICT XVI’S PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR OCTOBER WDTPRS >> First THURSDAY of the month - plenary indulgence offered Whispers in the Loggia >> Respect Life... at All Its "Borders " Whispers...

Afternoon Roundup - Sunday, October 5th, 2008

The New Liturgical Movement >> Official "Summorum Pontificum" Website of the Ecclesia Dei Commission Online ( website is here ) The New Liturgical Movement >> Opening Mass of the Synod of Bishops RORATE CAELI >> Defending the readings of the Traditional Mass Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Respect Life !

Catholic Review Online: Work Ardently and Incessantly…

Last week, H.E. Archbishop Edwin O'Brien posted a column in " Thoughts on Our Church " entitled "Shall We Dance ." One poignant segment stated: Most in our culture, including Catholics, see laws as threatening their freedom, limiting rightful options, interfering with their privacy. No dancing in the street here! Our theology, on the other hand, sees man wounded by sin and in need of salvation. Divine help comes to us in Christ through the law that guides us and the grace that sustains us. This week, Archbishop O'Brien, after citing the previous column on the role that law plays in our lives, discusses Humanae Vitae and its implications for today in a column entitled, "Work Ardently and Incessantly ." He writes, And there is more. The dissent which followed Humanae Vitae has itself spawned a generation of Catholic thinkers and theologians who have claimed that not only was the Church wrong about the Pill, it is wrong about sterilization, wro...