
Showing posts with the label Resurrection Sleight of Hand

Morning - Easter Tuesday - Missa 'Aqua Sapientiae' - April 6th, 2010

ADW Blog >> Making Sense of the Resurrection Accounts: Are there Discrepancies ? Ars orandi >> Collect of the Day: Easter Tuesday Catholic-Hierarchy News >> Gómez named Los Angeles Coadjutor Love Remains the Same >> Armor New Liturgical Movement >> Spring and Eastertide Brings Thoughts of (and Preparations for) Pilgrimages Musings of a Pertinacious Papist >> Pope target in open war on Christianity The Catholic Thing >> The Church: The Sacrament of Salvation (David G. Bonagura, Jr.) Reflections of a Paralytic >> R.I.P. Pietro Molla The Divine Life >> How should Catholics study the Bible ? The Recovering Choir Director >> Video: Sacred vs. secular music at Mass ? The Spiritual Exercises >> XXXX. The Contemplation to Attain Divine Love WDTPRS >> ALERT: Successor in Los Angeles ! WDTPRS >> Record number of confirmations in one US diocese Whispers in the Loggia >> Reconquista Whispers in the Log...

SS. Soter and Caius (EF) - April 22nd, 2009

Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> "tell the people everything about this life" Seminarians for Life >>Cardinal Rouco warns that 'crime of abortion casts shadow over history' Standing on My Head >> The Resurrection and Theological Sleight of Hand The Catholic Thing >> Intransigent Historical Claims (William Saunders) New Liturgical Movement >> Significant Nominations for the Congregation for Divine Worship WDTPRS >> Lateran - Cañizares - TLM - Brick By Brick Whispers in the Loggia >> In B16's Vatican, Doctrine Is the Best Medicine