
Showing posts with the label Rocco Palmo

Morning Roundup - Sts. Philip & James, Apostles - Missa 'Clamaverunt Ad Te' (Rogation Day) - May 11th, 2010

AmP >> On flight to Fatima, Pope says abuse “terrifying”, but the Lord is stronger than evil ADW Blog >> The Second Hardest Promise: Experiencing the Lord’s Gift of Peace Ars orandi >> Collect of the Day: Sts. Philip and James Catholic Hour >> Vatican II Today Domine da mihi hanc aquam >> Where are you going ? Dymphna's Road >> Creepy--- when politicians want to play church First Things >> Beyond the Pill: Looking for the Origins of the Sexual Revolution (Stuart Koehl) First Thoughts >> The Censure of an Aging Sex Symbol Insight Scoop >> Fr. Joseph Fessio, S.J., Launches New Catholic College-Credit Online Program (this is awesome!) Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Tuesday, Easter Wk 6: “what must I do to be saved? ” Mulier Fortis >> Linky Love... New Liturgical Movement >> The Growing Proliferation of Mass Settings with New Texts New Liturgical Movement >> The Future Liturgy of an A...

Morning Roundup - Feria in Paschaltide - Missa 'Cantate Domino' - May 6th, 2010

AmP >> Immigration, Politics, and the Church ADW Blog >> Still Catholic: A New Poll Says 86% of Catholics Have Not Allowed Abuse Scandal to Shake Their Faith A Trail of Flowers >> Twinned lambs Biblical Evidence for Catholicism >> Biblical Analogies to Eucharistic Adoration (Sandro Magister) >> Holy, Yet Mingled with Sinners: The Church of the Pope Theologian Creative Minority Report >> Whats Rocco Got That We Don't Got ? Domine da mihi hanc aquam >> Work with what you've got Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Thursday, Easter Wk 5: "After much debate had taken place, Peter got up " Ordo recitandi >> St John before the Latin Gate (May 6th) planted & blooming >> A Life Apart: Part I - A Call to Authenticity RORATE CÆLI >> A cardinal who never stopped saying the Traditional Latin Mass The Black Biretta >> May the Laity be Critical of it's Pastor, Bi...

Breaking: Whispers in the Loggia - Miami and Springfield

Rocco Palmo of Whispers in the Loggia has three posts regarding Miami and Springfield. The Archdiocese of Miami news can be found here and here ; the news on the Diocese of Springfield, IL will be announced tomorrow as reported here .

Evening - Feria in Paschaltide - Missa 'Misericordia Domini' - April 19th, 2010

New Liturgical Movement >> Fifth Anniversary Celebrations for the Pontificate of Benedict XVI New Liturgical Movement >> Reminder About Solemn Pontifical Mass in Washington this Saturday (please be aware of the schedule shown here ) OSV Daily Take >> Remembering the Oklahoma City bombing victims 15 years later Secondhand Smoke >> Global Warming Hysteria: Smog Good, Carbon Dioxide Bad The Anchoress >> Elder Son’s Sweet Girlfriend The Cathoholic >> Network, Social Justice and the Defense of the Unborn Vultus Christi >> God rejects no one. The Church rejects no one . Vultus Christi >> Give Me your poverty, trust Me with your sins WDTPRS >> Benedict XVI to young Maltese Whispers in the Loggia >> [ something big is brewing so watch for news soon ]

Breaking - Whispers in the Loggia: El Tiempo Ha Venido -- Reports: Gomez Off to LA

The intrepid Rocco Palmo of Whispers in the Loggia has inside information that "Pope Benedict will name Jose Gomez, 58, archbishop of San Antonio since February 2005, as coadjutor-archbishop of Los Angeles." Read it all here ... As Rocco points out, the Archbishop is a member of Opus Dei.

Afternoon -Thursday of the Third Week in Lent - Missa 'Salus Populi' - March 11th, 2010

RORATE CÆLI >> Report: Schola Veritatis embraces the TLM Secondhand Smoke >> Global Warming Hysteria: Americans Not So Hysterical Secondhand Smoke >> Euthanasia: The Dutch Fall Off a Vertical Moral Cliff (" As the Dutch now debate whether old age is a killable offense to human dignity ...") The Catholic Thing >> Understanding the Tea Party (George J. Marlin) The Divine Life >> Exhortation on the Bible coming soon ! The Divine Life >> Are married priests an exception ? Transalpine Redemptorists at home >> The MId-Lent Station The Spiritual Exercises >> XVIII. The Finding in the Temple: The First Message of the King Whispers in the Loggia >> Vatican Daily on Abuse: "Where Were the Women? " Whispers in the Loggia >> Joemas Gifts: Saintly Treats... and Friday Meats

Roman Rumblings?

Rocco Palmo at Whispers in the Loggia dissects what may be "coordinated leaks" by some premier journalists concerning a Consistory this year . Go there!

Afternoon - Epiphany of the Lord - Missa 'Ecce Advenit' - January 6th, 2010

American Papist >> Exclusive: Rep. Dingell defends abortion votes, then promotes contraception ! A Priest Life >> PriestYear "Priest in Focus": Father Stephen Yim ADW Blog >> Guest Blog – What it Means to Be a Woman – Sr. Maria Theotokos, SSVM OSV Daily Take >> An Italian Epiphany tradition PrayTell >> Doing NAAL in Milwaukee SECRET HARBOR >> The Light Which Knows No Setting The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Mass with the Holy Father (great photo of Fr. Finigan and Fr. Euteneuer!) The Recovering Choir Director >> Solemnity of the Epiphany WDTPRS >> President Obama, the Vatican and ‘Common Ground’: His First Year in Review (Great new look! Check it out!) Whispers in the Loggia >> For 12th Day, News, Quotables and Links Whispers in the Loggia >> Prince of Peace... Light of the World... "Father of Princes and Kings" ?

Afternoon - Octave Day of the Nativity - Missa 'Puer Natus Est' - January 1st, 2010

A Trail of Flowers >> Precious Insight Scoop >> A collection of Ignatius Insight pieces about the Blessed Virgin Mary (excellent!) Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God: "God sent his Son, born of a woman " Musings of a Pertinacious Papist >> Here we go again: Happy New Year ! (marvelous list!) New Liturgical Movement >> Stations of the Christmas Season - Part 3 OSV Daily Take >> This year's worst amateur theologian Rosamundi's ramblings >> I am the resurrection and the life, saith the Lord (Rosagrandma has passed on; "Requiescat in pace!" Her scone recipe is attached as a tribute!) SECRET HARBOR >> Sancta Dei Genitrix Shouts in the Piazza >> Papal New Year The Catholic Thing >> Our Mother, Ourselves (Kathryn Jean Lopez) WDTPRS >> Jesuits comment on the new translation, and get it right WDTPRS >> WaPo - What’s in: Latin Mass (Bishop Alert! WaP...

Afternoon Roundup - Votive Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary (EF) or Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary (OF) - June 20th, 2009

Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> TWELFTH Sunday in Ordinary Time: "Teacher, do you not care if we perish ?" Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Tanti auguri, Archbishop-elect Augustine Di Noia, O.P. RORATE CÆLI >> The Pontifical Masses of Bishop Rifan in NYC RORATE CÆLI >> Archdiocese of Manila: Only young boys can be altar servers Sub Tuum >> The Office of the Dead The Curt Jester >> We don't need no stinkin' bioethics The Foundry >> Tehran Protesters Defy Khamenei’s Ultimatum, While Suicide Bomber Targets Khomeini’s Mausoleum WDTPRS >> NYC - Pontifical Mass (TLM) WDTPRS >> Ven. John Henry Newman’s miracle approved (Laus Deo!) Whispers in the Loggia >> Out of Africa... of Sorts (and new Italian #3 at CDF)

Whispers in the Loggia: And They Came

Rocco Palmo does his usual masterful job describing the Vigil Mass for the March for Life . It is the largest liturgy held annually in the U.S. with 16,000 in attendance and scores turned away. Note that a TLM will be held tomorrow .

Whispers in the Loggia: O'Brien on FOCA

Rocco Palmo has another exclusive on a story which will appear in the Catholic Review, the official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. The author of the article is His Excellency, Archbishop Edwin O'Brien, and the article deals with the Freedom of Choice Act. Read this important article here . Here is just a snippet: A threat to all life, this legislation would also have a terrible impact on Catholic and other pro-life healthcare providers. Of particular note: FOCA trumps state laws that protect rights of providers (e.g. Catholic hospitals, pharmacists, etc.) to conscientiously object to performing abortions if such state laws are seen to in any way “interfere” with a woman’s decision to have an abortion. FOCA undermines the freedom of religion upon which our country was founded. I pledge that we will join with other all law-abiding religious and public interest groups in taking every action necessary to resist this blatant attempt to stifle the consciences of those w...

Whispers in the Loggia: Day One, Evening Wrap

I watched part of the morning session on EWTN. As a reminder, day 2 is being shown tomorrow beginning at 9 AM EST and again at 2 PM. Rocco Palmo, as always, does a masterful job summarizing the feel of the Conference and the topic that everyone feels in a palpable fashion: will the Bishops handle the "subtleties" of "Faithful Citizenship" more directly if at all ? This is a great read as always.

Whispers in the Loggia: Off the Agenda

And then there was this ... Rocco got the breaking story from Dan Burke of Religion News Service .

Afternoon Roundup - Tuesday, September 16th, 2008

Whispers in the Loggia >> In Ike's Wake, Faith, Hope and Love (Rocco "nails" it again. Link to Catholic Charities for Texas . "Dear God, please put Texas back together again...") >> From Paris and Lourdes, the Lesson of the "Liturgist" Pope (Sandro Magister) St. Peter Canisius Apostolate >> Tuesdays with St. Thomas: Divine Providence and Human Freedom Summorum Pontificum >> Cardinal Hoyos: Some not satisfied even after pope's Tridentine Mass decree (Brian Kopp) The New Liturgical Movement >> Roman Conference on Summorum Pontificum Begins Today

Monday, September 8th, 2008 - An All "Whispers in the Loggia" Post

It' On (Senator Biden, "incoming"...) For Wilmington's New Bishop, Fran Frenzy (God be with you, Your Excellency!) Newark's Humble "Healing Bishop" On the Move (a new Archbishop of Florence as predicted yesterday) A Month On, "Great Sadness"... and Patient Endurance (the Marian Days accident)

Early Roundup - Tuesday, July 15th, 2008

Standing on My Head >> St Bonaventure Summorum Pontificum >> Fruits of Summorum The New Liturgical Movement >> Traditions at World Youth Day ? The New Liturgical Movement >> A Hypothetical Counter-Proposal for the Cathedral of the Holy Family, Saskatoon Traditional Latin Mass Propers in English >> Saint Henry, Emperor and Confessor LatinMassNetwork >> St. Henry II Whispers in the Loggia >> Down Under, Yet "Upward to Heaven"

Whispers in the Loggia: Athwart "Bondage," Yelling "Stop"

Rocco Palmo of " Whispers in the Loggia " discusses the US Conference of Bishops . To cite Mr. Palmo: "In keeping with longstanding tradition, however, no meeting of the body would be complete without some showdown on the liturgy -- a topic that, in recent years, has focused on the approval of a new wholesale translation of the Roman Missal, which current projections seem to be eyeing for implementation in late 2010." Read it here .

Thursday, May 22nd: Rocco and Amy

Whispers in the Loggia >> "Sing a New Song " (Rocco Palmo) Whispers in the Loggia >> What Makes a Bishop ? (Rocco Palmo) Charlotte Was Both >> Catching up with the Fathers (Amy Wellborn)

Whispers in the Loggia: "In the beginning"

Today, Rocco Palmo of Whispers in the Loggia posts a story on the religious history of Baltimore, the "Premier See ." It is a beautiful story and a must read which includes videos. Mr. Palmo also includes a link to the homily of Archbishop Edwin O'Brien (found on the Archdiocesan webpage), and a podcast link for the lecture by Archbishop Timothy Dolan of Milwaukee (the first lecture in a series). Thanks, Rocco!