
Showing posts with the label Spirituality

Evening Roundup - Feast of Corpus Christi - Missa 'Cibavit Eos' - June 3rd, 2010

Catholic Hour >> Faith and Life Is Now Online ! Charlotte was Both >> Mail Call Colleen Hammond >> The Tomboys who Followed Katherine Hepburn Damian Thompson >> Papal fiasco: Archbishop Nichols must act Mulier Fortis >> Last Night In Lourdes... OSV Daily Take >> The soundtrack of a spiritual life RORATE CÆLI >> The death of Spain step by step RORATE CÆLI >> Eucharist - Passion - Sacrifice - Priesthood Body - Blood - Soul - Divinity The Catholic Thing >> Mythical Thinking (Bevil Bramwell, OMI) The hermeneutic of continuity >> Damian Thompson Spectator article online Vocation-Station >> Corpus Christi Vultus Christi >> Corpus Domini WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: clerics fulfilling office obligation with older Office in vernacular Word on Fire >> Catholicism Project: Feast of the Ugandan Martyrs

Evening Roundup - Saturday of Our Lady - Missa 'Salve Sancta Parens' - May 8th, 2010

AmP >> Canon Law Saturday Mulier Fortis >> First Holy Communions New Liturgical Movement >> Sacred Music Moves South New Liturgical Movement >> Russian Spirituality in Rome New Liturgical Movement >> Cardinal Caffara on the Priesthood and the Hermeneutic of Continuity OSV Daily Take >> The joys, challenges of Catholic motherhood Patrick Madrid >> Why Young Catholics Are Leaving the Church Secondhand Smoke >> Belgian Doctors Euthanized Disabled Patient and Harvested Her Organs SECRET HARBOUR >> Climbing to Heaven Vultus Christi >> Why the Cenacle ?

Afternoon - Feria in Paschaltide - Missa 'Misericordia Domini' - April 19th, 2010

AmP >> On 5th anniversary of election, Pope Benedict more in need of prayers than ever Anna Arco's Diary >> People came “not for the singer, but for the song ” A Priest Life >> Tanti cari saluti di buon anniversario, Santo Padre ! SECRET HARBOUR >> The Interior Master The Cathoholic >> U.S. Bishops Boost Marriage The New Theological Movement >> The Crucifix at the Center of the Altar Vultus Christi >> The Conclusion of the Year for Priests WDTPRS >> Internal forum/confession and reporting crimes to the state WDTPRS >> A look at Fr. Pfleger’s parish in Chicago Whispers in the Loggia >> Ironman RIP Word on Fire >> Spirituality: New Study Guide on the Eucharist

Morning - St. Hermenegild, Martyr - Missa 'Protexisti' - April 13th, 2010

AmP >> Guilty Habit: Bad Vestments Blog A Priest Life >> CDF Sexual Abuse Allegation Guidelines on VIS blog ADW Blog >> Working Hard to Prevent Sexual Abuse – A part of the story that’s not often told . Ars orandi >> Collect of the Day: St. Hermenegild A Trail of Flowers >> Perfection Catholic Hour >> Archbishop Burke, Telling It Like It Is Chronicles Magazine >> Katyn and the 'Good War ' (Patrick J. Buchanan) Damian Thompson >> Lech Kaczynski's critics try to blame him for the plane crash Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Tuesday, Easter Wk 2: "The community of believers was of one heart and mind " New Liturgical Movement >> Interesting Liturgical Commentaries from Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff on Vatican Website RORATE CÆLI >> The Reform of the Liturgy and the Catholic Church Reflections of a Paralytic >> Senses Begin in the Womb SECRET HARBOUR >...

Holy Spirit Interactive: Fr. John McCloskey - The Seven Daily Habits of Holy Apostolic People

Aside from searches for the TLM in this region or at particular Parishes (locales), one of my most popular searches is for "Fr. John McCloskey ." I found a website on which he posts meditations and I'm happy to present one here . It is excellent advice as one would expect. I hope to make this an occasional feature.